University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Chemistry
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PUE PUC II Chemistry Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC Chemistry First Test Model Question Paper 2021.

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Download PUC II Chemistry Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Chemistry  Download

PUE PUC II Chemistry First Test Model Questions

I. Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 1 X 5 = 5
1. Give an example for a solid solution in which solute is a solid?
2. Define the term molarity.
3. Normal molar mass of solute is 246gmol-1 and observed molar mass of the same solute in a solvent is
346gmol-1. What is the value of Van’t Hoff factor (i)?
4. Give the IUPAC name of vinyl chloride?
5. Chloroform is stored in dark coloured bottles. Give reason?

II. Answer any TWO of the following questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 2 × 2 = 4
6. Write any two differences between Frenkel and Schottky defects.
7. What are ferromagnetic substances? Give an example.
8. (a) Name a member of lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidation state.
(b) Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction. Give reason
9. Give any two differences between lanthanides and actinides.

III. Answer any TWO of the following questions. Each Question carries 3 marks. 3 × 2 = 6
10. How is potassium dichromate (K2 Cr2O7) manufactured from chromite? Give balanced chemical equations.
11. Transition metals form large number of coordination compounds. Give any three reasons.
12. How does potassium permanganate react with (i) H2S (ii) Oxalic acid (iii) Fe2+ ions.
13. (a) Calculate the magnetic moment of Mn2+ ion in aqueous solution (Z =25).
(b) Write the general electronic configuration for 3d series of elements.

Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers

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