University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Sociology
Download Model Question Paper
Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Sociology Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Sociology Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUE PUC I Sociology Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Sociology Download

PUE PUC I Sociology Model Questions

I. Answer the following question in a sentence each. 1×10=10
1. Who is the father of Sociology ?
2. What is sciences?
3. Who said man is a social animal ?
4. Write any one name of the Indian sociologist
5. What is institution?
6. Mention any one feature of competition
7. Name any one form of culture
8. What is socialization?
9. State any Type of education
10. What is social changes?

II. Answer the any 10 of the following questions in two or three sentences each 2×10=20
11. Name the two book of Auguste Comte
12. Mention any two feature of science.
13. Mention any two essential elements of community
14. Mention the meaning of society
15. Mention two type of social control
16. What is accommodation?
17. Mention any two form of co-operation
18. Mention Elements of social interaction
19. Mention any two feature of culture
20. Mention any two form of family
21. Mention any two Types of polygyny
22. Mention any two culture factors that is favourable of social changes

III. Answer any four of the following question in 15 sentence each. 4×5=20
23. Briefly explain any five characteristics of sociology
24. Explain the any five characteristics of association
25. Explain the George Simmel’s typology of conflict
26. Explain the characteristics of law
27. Explain the concepts of culture lag
28. Explain the characteristics of unorganized group?

IV. Answer any four of the following question in 15 sentence each 4×5=20
29. Briefly explain nature and characteristics of sociology
30. Explain the types of accommodation
31. Briefly explain the stages of socialization
32. Explain any five characteristics of social changes
33. Briefly explain the primary function of family
34. Explain the characteristics of marriage

V. Answer any two of the following question 25 to 30 sentence 2×10=20
35. Explain the uses of sociology
36. What is the primary groups? explain its characteristics
37. What is assimilation? Explain the factors that is favourable of assimilation
38. Explain the various agencies of Socialization.

VI. Answer any two of the following sentence 15 sentence each 2×5=10
39. Explain the characteristics of Folkways
40. Explain the basic elements of religion
41. Briefly explain the function of education
42. Explain the role of Geographical factor in social changes

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