University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Sociology
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PUE PUC II Sociology Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) Second Year PUC Sociology First Test Model Question Paper 2021.

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Download PUC II Sociology Model Question Paper

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PUE PUC II Sociology First Test Model Questions

I. Answers the following questions in a sentence each. 1X5=5
1. How is the term Demography derived?

2. Mention sex-ratio of India according to 2011 census.
3. Name any one ancient name of India.
4. Who is the author of the book ‘Kinship Organization in India’?
5. Who called the Indian joint family as a ”Greater Home”

II. Answer any five of the following questions in 2-3 sentence each. 2X5=10
6. Mention two types of Demography.
7. What does DEMARU stands for?
8. What is dependency Ratio?
9. What is unity?
10. Mention two types of joint family.
11. Mention any two disadvantages of joint family.

III. Answer any two of the following questions in 15-20 sentence each. 5X2=10
12. Explain the racial groups classified by B.S Guha.
13. Explain the nature of diversities in India.
14. Describe the advantages of joint family.

IV. Answer any two of the following questions in 15-20 sentence each. 5X2=10
15. Write a note on the process of Aryanization.
16. Discuss briefly the challenges to National Integration.
17. Explain the causes for the changes in joint family.

V. Answer any one of the following questions in 30-40 sentences. 10X1=10
18. Define demography. Explain the major characteristics of Demographic profile of India.
19. What is joint family? Explain its characteristics.

VI. Answer any one of the following questions in 15-20 sentences. 5X1=5
20. Briefly explain the Dr. Sampurnanada committee recommendations to strengthen National Integration.
21. Write a note on Narasignanavar patriarchal joint family.

Download PUE Karnataka II PUC Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 Model Question Papers

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