University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Geography
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Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
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PUE PUC Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Geography Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUC I Geography Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Geography Download

PUC I Geography Model Questions

I Answer the following in a word or a sentence each: 1X10=10
1. Define Geography.
2. What is the approximate age of the Earth?
3. Which Zone has highest Earthquakes in the world?
4. What is Tsunami?
5. Which is the dominant agent of denudation in arid region?
6. What is weathering?
7. Name the instrument used to measure speed of the wind.
8. Define Oceanography?
9. What is salinity?
10. Why the Earth is called as Living planet?

II Answer any ten of the following in two or three sentences each: 2X10=20
11. Mention the Equatorial and polar diameter of the Earth.
12. Name the types of Delta.
13. What is Rain shadow region?
14. Distinguish between Weather and Climate.
15. What is Isobaths?
16. Name the two important types of Ocean currents.
17. Give any four examples for the factors of physical Environment.
18. Write the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India.
19. Name any two international boundary lines of India.
20. Where are Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands found?
21. Mention the places having highest and lowest rainfall in India.
22. Name any two Biosphere reserves of India.

III Answer any eight of the following in 25 to 30 sentences each: 5X8=40
23. Explain the important branches of Geography.
24. Write about the proofs regarding the spherical shape of the Earth.
25. Explain the effects of the rotation of the Earth.
26. Analyze the structure and composition of the Earth with a neat diagram.
27. What is Volcano? Write about their types.
28. Describe the factors affecting on physical weathering.
29. Explain the landforms associated by the erosional work of River.
30. Explain the planetary winds with the help of a diagram.
31. Write about the topography of the Ocean floor with a diagram.
32. Describe the northern plains of India.
33. Briefly Explain the Coastal plains of India.
34. Write about the importance of forests.

IV Answer any one of the following: 10X1=10
35. Explain the structure and composition of the Atmosphere with a neat diagram.
36. Describe the types of soil found in India with the help of suitable map.

V A) Answer any five of the following in a word or a sentence each: 1X5=5
37. What is Cartography?
38. The word map is derived from which language?
39. What is scale?
40. Name any two essential factors of a map.
41. What is Index?
42. Give an Example for large scale map.

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