University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Geography
Download Annual Examination Model Question Paper
Year 2023
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PUE PUC II Geography Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) March 2023 Second Year PUC Geography Annual Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUC II Geography Model Question Paper 2023

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PUE Karnataka PUC II Geography Model Questions

I. Answer all the multiple choose questions: 1X10=10
1. Total population of the world according to 2012.
a) 4 billion
b) 5 billion
c) 6 billion
d) 7 billion

2. Expansion of ISRO.
a) Indian Special Research Organisation.
b) Indian Space Research Organisation.
c) Indian Steel Research Organisation.
d) Indian Sericulture Research Organisation.

3. This stream of internal migration is called women migration.
a) Rural to Rural
b) Rural to Urban
c) Urban to Urban
d) Urban to Rural

4. Main source of surface water resource.
a) Canals
b) River
c) Rainfall
d) Wells

5. King of spices.
a) Chilli
b) Ginger
c) Black pepper
d) Cardamom

6. Largest producer of paddy in India.
a) Panjab
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) West Bengal

7. Wonder metal of the 20th century.
a) Copper
b) Manganese
c) Iron Ore
d) Aluminium

8. Best quality of coal.
a) Anthracite
b) Bituminous
c) Lignite
d) Peat

9. It is called the Jawa of India.
a) Meerath
b) Varanashi
c) Gorakhpur
d) Saharanpur

10. The highest altitude road in the world.
a) NH-1
b) Kullu Manali-Leh
c) Shree Nagar-Ladak
d) Jammu-Shree Nagar

II. Fill in the blanks by using the appropriate one given in the brackets: 1X5=05
11. Family planning programme was introduced in India…………. (1972, 1952)
12. The name of Bhakra reservoir is………… (Panpasagar, Govind Sagar)
13. …………….. is the largest producer of tea in India. (Assam, Tamil Nadu)
14. Jharia is famous for ………… (Iron ore, Coal)
15. The port of Kolkata is located on the bank of …………… (Hoogly river, Mahanadi)

III. Match the followings: 1X5=05
16. UNDP a) TVA
17. Tennessee Valley Authority b) United Nations Development Program.
18. Retoon cropping. c) Solar energy
19. Energy generated from the sun’s heat. d) Sugarcane
20. Silicon Valley of India.e) Bangalore

IV. Answer any Ten of the following in a word or a sentence each: 1X10=10
21. Who is the founder of Population Geography?
22. What do you mean by economic activities?
23. What is settlement?
24. Which state has highest sex ratio in India?
25. What is irrigation?
26. Define Migratory farming.
27. What is Tissue culture?
28. Which is the best type of iron ore?
29. Name the largest gold producing state in India.
30. Define knowledge-based industry.
31. Mention the biggest industrial region of India.
32. What is transportation?
33. What do you mean by environmental pollution?
34. Define planning.

V. Answer any Ten of the following in two to three sentences each: 2X10=20
35. Write the components of population growth.
36. Mention the types of migration.
37. Differentiate between secondary and tertiary activities.
38. What are the different types of mining?
39. Give two examples of educational towns.
40. What is population density?
41. Give any four causes for the low death rate in India.
42. Mention any two objectives of a multi-purpose river valley project.
43. Black soil is quite suitable for cultivation of cotton. Why?
44. What are the main types of minerals?
45. Biogas energy is suitable for rural area. How?
46. Why is Mumbai known as Manchester of India?
47. Name any four Iron and steel plants of India.
48. Mention the four important types of roads in India.
49. What are the types of pollution?

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