University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Geography
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Geography Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Geography Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Geography Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Geography Download Here

PUE PUC II Geography Questions

I. Answer the following multiple-choice questions:
1. Population is growing rapidly in 21st century, if so, State the total population of the world according to 2012.
A) 5 Billion
B) 6 Billion
C) 7 Billion
D) 8 Billion

2. Which state in India has the highest density of population?
A) West Bengal
B) Bihar
C) Kerala
D) Uttar Pradesh

3. The Longest dam in India
A) Tungabhadra dam
B) Hirakud dam
C) Bhakra-Nangaldam
D) Alamatti dam

4. Which of these options show the correct ranking of coal from high grade to low grade based on the carbon content?
A) i.Lignite, ii.Peat, iii.Anthracite, iv,Bituminous.
B) i.Peat, ii.Anthracite, iii.Bituminous, iv,Lignite.
C) i.Anthracite, ii.Bituminous, iii.Lignite, iv.Peat.
D) i.Bituminous, ii.Lignite, iii.Peat, iv.Anthracite.

5. Look at the following pairs and identify the incorrect pair.
1. Forest based industry-Rubber industry.
2. Agro-based Industry-Paper Industry.
3. Mineral based industry-Aluminum industry.

A) 1 only,
B) 2 and 3 only,
C) 2 only,
D) 3 only.

II. Fill in the blanks by using the appropriate one given in the brackets: (Black pepper, Hoogly, London, Rural, Temperate,Cardamom)
6. Lumbering industry is developed in ______________region.
7. The first million city in the world ___________
8. ______________is popularly known as „King of Spices‟.
9. Biogas is used popularly in ______________region in India.
10. The Kolkata port is located on the bank of ________river.

III. Match the followings:
A) B)
11. The Kirghiz a) Bangalore
12. ISRO MCF b) Bombay High.
13. An Educational City c) Hassan.
14. Sagar Samrat d) Central Asia.
15. Silicon City e) Oxford.
f) Hyderabad.

IV. Answer the following questions in one word or a sentence:
16. Provide the full form of HDI.
17. Give reason why hunting was practiced traditionally?
18. What is a „megacity‟?
19. Which state has the highest irrigated area in India?
20. What are the two main causes of water pollution?

V. Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences:
21. Write any two components of population growth.
22. Distinguish between secondary and tertiary economic activities.
23. Define any two types ofirrigation.
24. What are the forms of utilization of solar energy?
25. Write any two gold producing places in Karnataka.
26. Why Mumbai city is called “The Manchester of India”?
27. Why iron and steel industry isis called a raw material oriented industry?
28. Name the four types of road in India.

VI. Answer any SEVEN of the following questions in 20 to 25 sentences:
29. List out the branches of human geography and describe them in brief.
30. What is human development? Discuss the measurement of human development.
31. Detail out the importance of mass communication.
32. Explain the trend of population growth in India.
33. Explain the positive and negative effects of migration.
34. Analyze the salient features and objectives of the Damodar River Valley Project.
35. Write briefly about the types of agriculture.
36. Explain the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of wheat in India.
37. Explainthedistribution and production of petroleum in India.
38. Synthesize the development of iron and steel industry in India from pre independence to recent time.
39. Summarize the key development in railway transportation in India.
40. Define the concept of sustainable development and explain any five challenges of sustainable development.

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