University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject English
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Year 2018-19
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I English Question Bank 2018-19

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC English Question Bank 2018-19

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Download PUC I English Question Bank 2018-19

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PUC I English Question Bank 2018-19

1. The Gentlemen of the Jungle
I Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:
1. Who made friendship with the man in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’? (K)
2. Why did the elephant approach the man for help? (K)
3. Where was the man’s hut located in the forest? (K)
4. What was the request of the elephant to his friend on a rainy day? (K)
5. What did the elephant promise to repay the man for his help?(K)
6. Where did the elephant fling the man? (K)
7. What did the elephant want to protect his skin from? (K)
8. What did the elephant wish to protect from the hailstorm? (K)
9. What did the lion wish to have in his kingdom? (K)
10. Who commanded his ministers to appoint a Commission of Enquiry? (K)
11.. What did the king do to resolve the dispute between the man and the elephant? (C)
12. Name one of the members in the Commission of Enquiry. (K)
13. Who was the Chairman of the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
14. Who was the Secretary of the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
15. “I have always regarded it as my duty to protect the interests of my friends” was said by the___ (K) a. elephant b. lion c. man
16. What did the elephant always regard as his duty? (K)
17. What was the only question asked to the man by the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
18. Why was no human included in the Commission of Enquiry, according to the animals? (K)
19. What were the members of the Commission of Enquiry reputed for? (K)
20. The elephant wanted to put the_______ space in the man’s hut to a more economic use. (K) a. occupied b. unoccupied c. cultivated
21. What did the elephant want to turn the undeveloped space into? (K)
22. Who provided the delicious meal to the Members of the Commission? (C)
23. In whose favour was the judgement given? (K)
24. What fear made the man accept the judgment of the Commission? (K)
25. What kind of hut did the man build, finally? (K)
26. The dispute and fight among the Gentlemen of the Jungle was for the rights of _____ (K) a. occupation b. penetration c. freedom
27. According to the man, _______is costly, but it’s worth the expense. (K)
(Fill in the blank with the right word from the text)

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80 to 100 words.
1. Why was the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the King of the jungle? (C)
2. Why did the lion command his ministers to appoint the Commission of Enquiry? (C)
3. Describe the circumstances that led to the appointment of the Commission of Enquiry. ( C )
4. How did the elephant justify his act of occupying the hut? (C)
5. How did the members of Commission of Enquiry justify their act of not including any man? (C)
6. How did the animals exploit the man, each time he built a new hut? (C)
7. What did the man finally do in order to get justice? (C)
8. How did the man finally buy peace, in “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”? (C)

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words:
1. “You can fool people for a time, but not forever”. Explain this statement in the context of the story.(A)
2. Explain briefly the trial and the judgment of the case between the man and elephant. (A)
3. “Peace is costly but it is worth the expense”. Bring out the ironical significance of the statement in the context of the story. (A)
4. ‘’The Gentlemen of the Jungle’’ is a political satire on Colonialism. Elucidate. (A)
5. The man’s tolerance was considered as weakness by the members of the Commission of Enquiry. Do you agree. Elaborate. (E)
6. The onslaught of the animals on the man, time and again, marks the ‘European Expansion’. Comment with reference to the story. (A)
7. The animals were cunning, but the man outsmarted them eventually. Elucidate.(A)

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