Board Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB]
Class SSLC [Class 10th] Preparatory Examination
Subject Social Science
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2022-23
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://kseab.karnataka.gov.in/

KSEEB Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 2023

Download Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB], SSLC [Class 10th] Preparatory Examination Social Science Model Question Paper 2022-2023

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Download Karnataka Social Science Model Question Paper 2023

Subject Model Question paper
Social Science – Kannada Medium – 83K Download Here
Social  Science -English Medium – 83E Download Here

Download KSEEB SSLC 2022-23 Model Question Papers Here

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Questions

I. Four choices are given for each incomplete statements. Choose the correct answer and write the same along with the letter of alphabet in your answer paper.
1. The first state to be formed based on language in India
A) Mysore state
B) Andhra Pradesh
C) Sourashtra
D) Uttar Pradesh

2. The immediate cause for the first World War was
A) Formation of Triple Entente and Triple Alliances
B) America followed neutral policy
C) Humiliating treaty of Versailles
D) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

3. Article 21A of our Constitution refers
A) Fundamental right to religion
B) Fundamental right against exploitation
C) Fundamental right to constitutional remedies
D) Fundamental right to Education

4. The best example for unpaid work
A) Bonded Labour
B) Agricultural Labour
C) House Wife
D) Gardener

5. The best example for Conventional source of energy.
A) Wind Energy
B) Natural Gas
C) Solar Energy
D) Hydro Electric Power

6. The Tea port of India
A) New Mangalore
B) Haldia
C) Paradeep
D) Kolkata

7. District Industrial Centres were established in the year
A) 1968
B) 1978
C) 1988
D) 1998

8. The father of Green Revolution in India
A) Dr. Norman Borlaug
B) Kiran Mazumdar Shah
C) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
D) Varghese Kurien

Download KSEEB SSLC 2021-22 Model Question Papers Here

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each 8×1=8
9. Why is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel called ‘Iron Man’ of India?
10. What is the importance of ‘Teen Murti Bhavan’?
11. Which country is supporting Indian claim for permanent seat in the Security council of UNO?
12. Why was prohibition of Pre-natal Gender Determination Test act passed?
13. What is Dowry?
14. Why should we grow Mangrove forests along the coast?
15. What do you mean by Budget?
16. Maruthi has planned to go on for a foreign trip, during his absence to keep secure all his jewelleries, which services can he avail from the bank?

III. Answer the following questions in two to four sentences/points each.
17. Name the prominent organizations that brought social and religious reform movements in 19th century.
18. What were the effects of the first war of Indian Independence?

19. List out the measures taken to solve the problem of Regionalism?
List out the measures taken to control Terrorism.

20. Which are the legal measures to eradicate untouchability in India?
Which programmes enable rural women to get suitable representation in Developmental programmes?

21. Name the climatic seasons along with their months in India.
22. How is National Power Grid useful?
23. Name the Housing Programmes taken up in India.
24. What are the main objectives of Consumer Protection Act?

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