Exam Dakshana Selection Test [JDST] 2022
Organization Dakshana Foundation
Qualification Student in Class 12 (Science), during the year 2021-22
Application Mode Online
Selection Process Joint Dakshana Selection Test (JDST)
Official Website https://www.dakshana.org/jdst/

Dakshana Selection Test [JDST] 2022

Applications are open for JDST 2022 (For JEE/NEET 2023). For student studying in Class 12 Science (2021-22) from Govt./Aided schools (Except JNV Students)

Download Dakshana JDST Pre-Scholarship Test [PST] 2021 Syllabus Here

Dakshana offers a JEE/NEET coaching scholarship for Class 12 (Science) students from government schools across India. The scholarship, for a year after Class 12, includes free coaching, free food+housing for a year at the Dakshana Valley Campus, close to Pune. Students are selected through a test called the Joint Dakshana Selection Test (JDST).

Who Can Apply For JDST 2022?

You are eligible to apply for the JDST 2022, if you are a student in Class 12 (Science), during the year 2021-22, at a government-run school AND your annual family income is less than INR 2 Lakh AND if you fulfil the score criteria for Class 10:

• For GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC: Average marks in Maths & Science > 85%
• For SC: Average marks in Maths & Science > 70%
• For ST: Average marks in Maths & Science > 60%
• For PD: No cut off

How To Apply For JDST 2022?

• Please note that filling the JDST Application form does not guarantee that you will be invited to appear for the JDST 2022.
• This application is NOT to be filled by students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNVs)

Apply For JDST 2022 Online Here 

Dakshana JDST Revised Selection Process

Considering the special circumstances, we are changing the selection process this year. Due to schools being closed, we are unable to hold the tests physically at the test centres as decided earlier. The revised selection process will include the following steps:

Step 1: Mock Tests (online) to familiarise students to the test interface and provide them practice tests.
Step 2: Pre-Scholarship Tests (online) to qualify to be invited for the NDST/JDST 2021.
Step 3: NDST/JDST 2021 (at Test Centres) to qualify for the Dakshana Scholarship.

• All online tests will be conducted through the Dakshana Scholarship Test Android Mobile App. Download the mobile app from google playstore. Link to download the app: tinyurl.com/dakshanascholarshiptest. The Mock test/Pre-Scholarship test will be available in the scheduled date.

• Pre-Scholarship tests are timed, and you can take them only ONCE. The 03 tests will be based on the syllabus (as specified in the notification document) and can only be taken on the Dakshana Scholarship Test Android Mobile App, from the comfort of your home. The best scores of two of these three tests will be considered for you to be invited to the NDST/JDST 2021.

• Students who do not appear for minimum 2 pre-scholarship tests will be disqualified from the selection process for the Dakshana Scholarship. Start by taking the Mock Test from the scheduled date. You will be able to take the mock tests as many times as you want.

• These tests will not only introduce you to the format of the test but will also help you understand the concepts through the solutions. The most effective way to ace a test is to understand the concept thoroughly and master its application through practice. You must prepare for the given syllabus and appear for the mock test.

• After you complete a mock test, please go to the video of the solutions for that test. The videos have been prepared by Dakshana faculty. In the videos, you will find solutions for each of the questions on the mock test discussed in detail with explanation of the related concepts and best strategies involved in solving the questions.

Have a question? Please feel free to reach out by leaving a comment below

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1 thought on “Joint Dakshana Selection Test [JDST] 2022 Application

  1. I am NAINSHI PANKAJ a appeared student in NCST 2022 and now I’m waiting for results so please kindly inform me when will the institution is going to release the result of examination.

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