Department West Bengal School Education Department
Exam Vidyasagar Science Olympiad/ Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search [JBNSTS]
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JBNSTS Vidyasagar Science Olympiad

Vidyasagar Science Olympiad 2023, An initiative of School Education Department, Secondary Branch, Govt. of West Bengal for identifying talented students of class IX, West Bengal. Organised by Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search [JBNSTS]

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Download Vidyasagar Science Olympiad 2023 Model Question Paper

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JBNSTS Vidyasagar Science Olympiad 2023 Sample Questions

1. (Unit of pressure × unit of volume) gives us the unit of physical quantity –
A. Force
B. Acceleration
C. Work
D. Power

2. In a dry cell used in a torch –
A. thermal energy is converted into light energy.
B. chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.
C. thermal energy is converted into electrical energy
D. chemical energy is directly converted into light energy.

3. Identify the factor on which the boiling point of a liquid depends.
A. The density of the liquid
B. The presence of dissolved matter in the liquid
C. The refractive index of the liquid
D. The specific heat of the liquid

4. Which of the following phenomenon is NOT associated with light?
A. Dispersion
B. Convection
C. Reflection
D. Refraction

5. For the quantitative measurement of force we take the help of –
A. Newton’s law of gravitation
B. Newton’s first law of motion
C. Newton’s second law of motion
D. Newton’s third law of motion

6. In deserts, mirage happens due to –
A. Ordinary reflection
B. Total internal reflection
C. Defective vision due to heat
D. Refraction

7. Ratio of Magnetic length to the geometric length of a bar magnet is –
A. 0.75
B. 0.7
C. 1.25
D. 0.86

8. The impression of the flame of a candle kept in front of the pinhole is formed on screen in a pinhole camera. Identify the INCORRECT statement in this context
A. the flame appears upside down or inverted on the screen.
B. the flame’s impression gets blurred if the size of the pinhole is increased.
C. the size of the impression of the flame gets larger if the distance between the pinhole and screen is decreased.
D. the impression of the flame is obtained because light travels in a straight line.

9. In a pressure cooker the foodstuff gets boiled faster because –
A. pressure cooker takes heat from the burners at a faster rate.
B. higher pressure is developed inside a pressure cooker and foodstuff gets boiled faster.
C. lower pressure is created inside a pressure cooker by the release of steam and the foodstuff gets boiled faster.
D. a pressure cooker is made from materials with low thermal conductivity.

10. Which one of these liquid columns of various lengths given below does NOT approximately indicate the standard atmospheric pressure?
A. 762 mm of mercury
B. 76 cm of mercury
C. 10.3 m of water
D. 8.2 m of kerosene oil

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