Board Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE]
Class Class 10th/ Class X/ Matric
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Subject English
Year 2023
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Official Website

HPBOSE Class 10th English Model Question Paper 2023

Download Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE] Class 10th English Model Question Paper 2023

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Download HPBOSE Class 10th English Model Question Paper 2023

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HPBOSE Class 10th English Model Questions 2023

Q1. Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Cataract is the major cause of blindness, which is also caused by a damage to the cornea. Itoccurs more often in old age. As one starts growing old, the lens of the eye hardens, loses itstransparency and becomes opaque. It obstructs the light rays from entering the eye.The onset of cataract blurs the vision. Sometimes, the cataract patient sees multiple imagesinstead of a single object image. Because of the gradual development of cataract. the afflictedperson loses his/her vision and the world becomes dark to him/her.

The development of cataract is a complex process. However, the following factors can beattributed to its formation. Cataract generally develops in old age but sometimes, children areborn with cataract because of hereditary defect. Eye injuries too, can cause cataracts.People exposed to sun rays for longer periods develop cataract earlier than others.Researchers opine that the smoke inhaled while smoking carries substances internallydamaging the eyes.Ultraviolet radiation, invisible to the human eye, is linked to skin cancer. The victim losesvision and the world becomes dark to him.

Answer the following questions:
(1) Why does the lens of the eye become opaque in old age?
(2) How does cataract affect its victim ultimately?
(3) How is smoking responsible for the development of cataract?

Choose the correct option:
(4) What is the major cause of blindness?
(b) brightness
(d) all of the above

(5) How does one detect cataract in early stages?
(a) vision becomes blurred
(b) sees multiple images in place of one
(c) (a) or (b)
(d) none of the above

(6) When does cataract generally occur?
(a) young age
(b) childhood
(c) old age
(d) all of the above

(7) Find words from the passage which mean the same as that through which light cannotenter
(a) immunity
(b) cataract
(c) opaque

(8) Find wordwhich mean the opposite of ‘complex’
a) difficult
b) offended
c) hope
d) simple

(9) Find word which mean the opposite of ‘internally’
(a) externally
(b) extreme
(c) specific
(d) inner

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