Board Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education [HPBOSE]
Class 9th
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Subject English
Year 2023
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HPBOSE Class 9th English Model Question Paper 2023

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HPBOSE Class 9th English Model Questions 2023

Q.1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions:- (10)
Time is running out and parents are worried with just 10 days left for the school to reopen. Since the children have enjoyed through their vacations. It is their parents who are surfing the internet, painting the charts, writing essays and preparing science models. Some busy parents who are well off but cannot spare time are compelled to send their wards to the holiday homework special classes.

Sumedha who holds classes for completing the children’s homework, says that she charges anything between Rs 1000 to 5000 per child depending on the class and volume of the homework. Many schools give away prizes for the best homework or add the marks in internal assessment. This makes it almost imperative for parents to get the best quality.

Majority of the parents complain that the level of the homework is so high that their children are clueless about how to do it. Also many of them get that the holiday homework is so much that the children fail to complete it in time. In spite of all the troubles all parents agree that holiday homework is essential for the children. Some of them were of the opinion that homework helps the children in the study. It keeps the knowledge of the subject updated during the holidays.

(a) How do the parents help their children to complete their homework?
(b) What are the charges of homework classes of Sumedha?
(c) What is the complaint of majority of the parents?
(d) How does homework help the students in the opinion of the parents?
(e) The two objections raised by the parents regarding holiday homework are ………….

(1) Children playing during holidays and amount of homework.
(2) High level of homework and amount of homework.
(3) Too much time and high level of homework.
(4) Lack of ideas among children and level of homework.

(f) Holiday homework special classes are conducted for
(1) Busy parents
(2) Children enjoy through their vacation
(3) For all well off children
(4) Teachers

(g) That ………..makes it necessary that quality homework is done
(1) School assign difficult homework
(2) Parents are doing the homework
(3) Schools add marks of the homework to internal assessment
(4) Parents are paying a heavy price for the homework.

(h) The word/phrase——— in the passage means the same as “expressed opinion”
(a) Running out
(b) spare
(c) Imperative
(d) opined

(i) Write the antonym of ‘internal’
(a) inner
(b) external
(c) exterior
(d) outer

(j) What is the meaning of ‘well off’
(a) Poor
(b) busy
(c) illiterate
(d) Wealthy

Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions:- 
In the developing countries, girls lag behind the boys in education. A large number of them do not go to school. Even when they are enrolled, the burden of domestic work stands in the way of their educational progress. The single most important factor in their poor performance is the time and strain imposed by the girl child’s work load close behind poverty and malnutrition. And perhaps the strongest tradition of all is the idea that sons should be educated because they will be the bread winners of their own future families and the supporters of their parents. Girl’s work though it is harder is not considered to bring income. The daughter is considered to be a part of husband’s family.

(a) Who lags behind in education?
(b) Why do the large number of girls not go to schools?

(c) The antonym of strongest is ___________
(1) weak (2) weakest (3) weaker (4) stronger

(d) The meaning of ‘lag behind’ is__________
(1) trail (2) come forward (3) stop (4) run

(e) The girls of developing countries lag behind in———-
(1) education (2) work (3) discipline (4) energy

(f) The main problem in their educational progress is:-
(1) money (2) gender (3) domestic work (4) social system

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