Department NCT Delhi Education Department
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Class Class VI
Subject English
Year 2022-23
Document Type PDF
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Delhi Class 6 English Sample Question Paper

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Download Delhi Class 6 English Sample Question Paper

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Delhi Class 6 English Sample Questions

Section A – Reading:
Q1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (ANY FOUR) 4 X 2 = 8
Once, the Maharaja of Travancore ordered a grand dinner in his palace. In the afternoon before the dinner, the Maharaja entered the kitchen to survey the dishes that had been prepared for the feast. “What are you going to do with those vegetable scraps?” he asked the cook, pointing to the basket of scraps near the cook.

i. Who ordered the grand dinner?
a. The cook
b. Maharaja of state
c. Maharaja of Travancore
d. Maharani of Travancore

ii. Where did the Maharaja enter?
a. The kitchen
b. The court
c. The palace
d. The store room

iii. “What are you going to do with those vegetable scraps?” Who said this ?
a. The cook
b. The maharaja
c. The maharani
d. The guest

iv. What was kept in the basket?
a. Fruits
b. Vegetables
c. Flowers
d. Scraps

v. Which of the following words is not a Noun?
a. Grand
b. Basket
c. Vegetable
d. Travancore

Q2. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:(ANY FOUR) 4 X 2 = 8
Rambo was a little grasshopper. He loved music and dance all the time. He never worked or planned. His friend Jolly, the ant was a hard worker. She was always busy. When it began to snow in the winter, grasshopper had no food to eat. Jolly gave him food to eat. Rambo promised to work from then on.

i. What did Rambo, the grasshopper do all day?
a. Danced only
b. Listened to music only
c. Hard work
d. Both A and B

ii. Who was Jolly?
a. Another grasshopper
b. An ant
c. Rambo’s pet
d. A musician

iii. What happened to the grasshopper in the winter?
a. He had no food to eat
b. He fell sick
c. He died
d. He danced with joy

iv. Who helped the grasshopper?
a. He helped himself
b. His brother
c. Jolly, the ant
d. All the ants

v. What did Rambo promise?
a. To play all day
b. To dance all day
c. To eat all day
d. To work from then on

Section B – Writing:
Q3. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her for two days sick leave.
Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her for three days leave to attend a relative’s wedding.

Q 4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics based on the given cues: 6
A. My School (Name of school – type of building – location of school – teachers – the school garden – classrooms – display boards )

B. Any Festival ( Importance of festival – Celebration – new clothes – sweets – food – decorations – meeting friends and relatives )

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