Department NCT Delhi Education Department
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Class Class V
Subject English
Year 2022-23
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Delhi Class 5 English Sample Question Paper

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Download Delhi Class 5 English Sample Question Paper

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Delhi Class 5 English Sample Questions

Section – A (Reading):
1. Read following passage from your NCERT Textbook, chapter named “flying together”. 4×2=8
Deep in the forest stood a very tall tree. Its leafy branches spread out like strong arms. This tree was the home of a flock of wild geese. They felt safe there. One of the geese was a wise old bird. He noticed a small creeper at the foot of the tree. He spoke to the other birds about it. “Do you see that creeper?” he said to them. ”Let us destroy it.”

Now tick the correct answer in questions based on your understanding of this passage.
(A) Where did the very tall tree stand?
(A) In a desert
B) In a forest
C) In a mountain
D) In an island

(B)Who said, “Let us destroy it.”
(A) A wise old goose
B) A goose
C) The hunter
D) The climber

(C) Which word in the passage is similar to group?
(A) spread
B) safe
C) flock
D) creeper

(D) Choose the odd one out.
(A) plant
B) tree
C) creeper
D) goose

2. Read following passage. 4×2=8
The biggest banyan tree in the world is in West Bengal. It looks like a forest because its branches have come down to the ground and look like a tree themselves. In fact the trunk of the tree is no longer there. It was removed many years earlier as it haws become sick. Now tick the correct answer in questions based on your understanding of this passage.

(A) Where is the biggest banyan tree in the world?
(A) West Bengal
B) Gujrat
C) Kerala
D) Tamil Nadu

(B) Which part of the tree was removed?
(A) Root
B) Branch
C) Trunk
D) Leaf

(C)What is special about the banyan tree mentioned in the passage?
(A ) It is sick.
B) It is smallest in the word
C) It has so many branches.
D) It is biggest in the world

(D)The passage is about ___________.
(A) Banyan tree
B) A forest
C) Tree- trunk
D) Tree- Branches

Section B (Writing):
3. Write a Paragraph on Rainy season. You may use following hints. 6


Hints: Clouds, Sky, Rain, Pleasant weather, Pakodas(any other dish), Umbrella, Raincoat, Greenery, mud, dampness in walls, lightening, water logging ,Traffic problems, festivals related to rain.

Write a Paragraph on My Pet by using following clues.
_______________ is my pet animal.
The name of my pet is ___________________.
It likes to eat _____________________.
The colour of my pet is __________________.
It __________________________________.

4. Write application to your principal for sick leave for two days leave in following format. 6
The _______________

Subject – Request for _____________________________.
Respected __________,

Thanking you,
Yours ______________

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