Department Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission [APPSC]
Subject Public Administration
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APPSC Public Administration Sample Paper

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission [APPSC], Public Administration Model Question Cum Answer Booklet (QCAB) Sample Paper

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Public Administration Question Paper Download

APPSC Public Administration Sample Question

Attempt all of the following in about 150 words each
** “Democracy within bureaucracy is likely to reduce its effectiveness.” Do you 10 agree with this view? Argue your case.
** “District Collector’s role in the development. process has been overemphasised.” Comment on the statement.
** Why has District Planning been marginalised in many States and remained prominent in a few States? Explain
** “Ordinance-making power of the Executive needs to be suitably restrained.” Examine it critically
** “‘Minimum government, maximum governance’ is not just a slogan but a philosophy of administration with enormous potentialities. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer
** To what extent has political culture influenced the administrative culture of India? Explain.
** Briefly discuss the main recommendations of the Punchhi Commission (2010) on Centre-State relations for transforming Indian Federal System.
** As Dr. B. R. Ambedkar observed, “the text of the Constitution can provide the organs of the State, but the final outcome of the governance process depends on how it has operationalised by the political parties and people”. Elucidate the statement.
** The objectives, approaches and organisational arrangements for decision-making of the NITI Aayog aim at restoring the federal Gha.f.acter of the Indian polity. Explain.
** Explain fully how a balance can be struck between autonomy and accountability of India’s public enterprises.

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