School Bloom Public School
Class 3rd Std/ III 
Subject EVS
Download Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23
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Bloom Public School Class III EVS Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23

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Download Bloom Public School Class III EVS Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23

Bloom Public School Class III EVS Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23 Download Here

Bloom Public School Class III EVS Mid Term Sample Questions

Section A :
Fill in the blanks
1. Dadi was not able to eat _______
2. _________ is a method of cooking.
3. Balbir’s brother Satvinder had come from the _________. OR Iqbal Singh ______ his whistle.

State whether the following statements are True or False
4. Lemon juice is made by cooking
5. Chinamma collects money from people after selling fruits
6. (i) Burger is a healthy foodOR
(ii) Pulses are rich in proteins1

Answer the following in one word
7. A person who repairs shoes is called a ______
8. Name an electric appliance used in kitchen _____
9. Dadi’s chapati was soaked in ______ OR The only food Chutki can intake is ______

Section B :
Q13. Mention the work that Iqbal Singh does.
Q14. Why can Dadi not climb the stairs quickly?
Q15. What kinds of utensils were used in early years?
Q16. Write a short note on work which is done in school. OR Name any two helpers who make our lives easier and mention the work that they do.

Section C :
Q17. Till which class has Deepali studied? Why did she leave school?
Q18. What work does Jaggu Bhai do? Why did the teacher come to him?
Q19. Write three differences between healthy and unhealthy food.
Q20. What are the three food items which are prepared without cooking. OR Write any three methods of cooking. Write the name of one thing cooked by each of these methods.

Section D :
Q21. Vipul caught his grandmother’s hand and said- You also come upstairs with me. His mother stopped him- I have soaked Ba’s chapati in dal. Let her first have her meal. Have you put sugar in the dal? After coming to Nagpur, you have forgotten our own way of making food- said Dadi to Vipul’s mother. I have tasted the dal. It has been prepared well- replied Vipul’s mother. Vipul picked up her grandmother’s plate and ran upstairs. He asked her to follow him quickly. When I was your age I could run up the hill in the same time-said Dadi. Vipul gave the bhutta he was eating to his Mami, washed his hands and lifted little Chhutki.

a) Read the extract given above and tick the correct answers:
What did Vipul say to his grandmother holding her hand?
1. Let us play outside
2. Pick up chhutki
3. Come upstairs with me
4. Let us sleep

b) What did Dadi asked Vipul’s mother?
1. Have you made my rice?
2. Have you made my dal?
3. Are you going out?
4. Where is Vipul?

c) When Dadi was Vipul’s age what could she do?
1. Cook food
2. Run up a hill
3. Play football
4. Do swimming

d) Whom did Vipul give his bhutta?
1. Mother
2. Mami
3. Dadi
4. Father

General Instructions:
The question paper is divided into four parts- Section A, B, C and D
• All questions are compulsory
• Section A: Objective type questions of 1 mark each. Internal choice has been given in the questions.
• Section B: Short type questions of 2 marks each. Internal choice has been given in the questions.
• Section C: Long answer type questions of 3 marks each. Internal choice has been given in the questions.
• Section D: Source based questions of 4 marks each. No internal choice is given in the questions.
• Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
• Write complete answers in the space provided.

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