School Bloom Public School
Class X
Subject Science
Download Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23
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Bloom Public School Class X Science Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23

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Download Bloom Public School Class X Science Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23

Bloom Public School Class X Science Mid Term Sample Paper 2022-23 Download Here

Bloom Public School Class X Science Mid Term Sample Questions

Section A :
1. What is a balanced chemical equation? OR Why is respiration considered an exothermic reaction?
2. What type of a reaction takes place when quick lime is added to water?
3. Balance the following chemical equation NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O
4. State the law which is kept in mind when we balance a chemical equation? OR Why do fireflies glow at night?
5. List any two observations when ferrous sulphate is heated in a dry test tube.
6. Is burning of a candle wax a physical or a chemical change?
7. Name the parts marked as (d) and (e) in the given diagram.
8. What is the role of Abscisic acid in plants? OR Mention the effect of cytokinin in plants.
9. How do autotrophs obtain CO2 and N2 to make their food?
10. Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?
11. Study the graph below that represents the amount of energy supplied with respect to the time while an athlete is running at full speed. What does plot A and B signifies respectively?
12. What is the nature of the image formed by a convex lens if the magnification produced by the lens is – 0.5?
13. State true or false and correct the statement if false: An observer must stand with his face towards the sun to observe a rainbow.
14. Define the term dispersion of white light. OR Name the color of light which bends (i) the most, (ii) the least while passing through a glass prism.
15. Fill in the blank: The closest distance at which the eye can focus clearly is called……….
16. Mention the types of mirrors used as (i) rear view mirrors, (ii) shaving mirrors.

General Instructions:
• The question paper comprises of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D.
• There are 46 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
• Section – A: Question No 1 to 32 are of one mark each. These questions contain very short answer questions, multiple choice questions (MCQs) and assertion –reason questions. Answer to these should be given in one word or one sentence.
• Section – A: Question No 33 to 36 are of Source/ Case/ Data based integrated questions. Each question contains 5 MCQ’s of 1 mark each and you have to answer any four out of these 5 MCQ’s.
• Section – B: Question No. 37 to 40 are short answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
• Section – C: Question No. 41 to 43 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
• Section – D: Question No. 44 to 46 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
• There is no overall choice in the question paper. However internal choices have been provided in some questions. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
• Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

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