Exam | SSLC [Class 10th] Exam |
Department | Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations |
Download | Sample Question Paper |
Subject | Tamil, English, Maths, Science, Social Science |
Year | 2023 |
Official Website | https://apply1.tndge.org/ |
Tamil Nadu SSLC Sample Question Paper 2023
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Download Tamil Nadu SSLC Sample Question Paper 2023
Tamil Nadu SSLC 2023 Sample Question Paper 1 | Download Here |
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Tamil Nadu SSLC 2023 English Sample Questions
Choose the appropriate synonym for the italicised words.
1. The young bird kept calling her mother plaintively :
(a) happily
(b) sadly
(c) rigorously
(d) vainly
2. Mr. Sanyal stood up with eyes dilated and began to recite a poem by Tagore :
(a) closed
(b) moved
(c) widened
(d) shrinked
3. The doors and drawers were yanked open :
(a) pushed
(b) pulled
(c) fixed
(d) repulsed
4. I forgot all about Mr. Hamel’s ruler and how cranky he was :
(a) unusal
(b) familiar
(c) unfamiliar
(d) strange
5. I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen :
(a) confusion
(b) disturbance
(c) unrest
(d) calmness
6. We witnessed the bright lights from the sea :
(a) famous
(b) superb
(c) night
(d) dull
7. Choose the correct plural form of ‘formula’ from the following :
(a) formulae
(b) formulas
(c) formii
(d) formules
8. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word fail :
(a) en
(b) ure
(c) ment
(d) ion
9. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation “CD”.
(a) Compact Drive
(b) Condensed Display
(c) Compact Disc
(d) Common Drive
10. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb given below. The mother instructed the maid to __________ the child carefully.
(a) warm up
(b) shut down
(c) look after
(d) take off
11. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘SUN’ to form a compound word.
(a) thing
(b) hole
(c) glasses
(d) hand
12. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate preposition given below. Keep the books __________ the table.
(a) on
(b) to
(c) into
(d) with
13. Complete the following sentence using the most appropriate tense form of the verb given below. My parents __________ (return) from New York next month.
(a) will return
(b) are returning
(c) will have returned
(d) will have been returning
14. Choose the most appropriate linker from the given four alternatives. __________ you work hard, you cannot secure good marks.
(a) when
(b) but
(c) unless
(d) whenever
Part – II:
Section – 1:
Answer any three of the following questions in a sentence or two. 3×2=6
15. What made the young seagull go mad ?
16. What does INSV stand for ?
17. How was Holmes able to look sick ?
18. Which month is called as Magha ?
Section – 2:
Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any three of the following.
19. My heart will keep the courage of the quest, And hope the road’s last turn will be the best.
(a) What kind of quest does the poet seek here ?
(b) What is the poet’s hope ?
20. There’s a family nobody likes to meet; They live, it is said, on complaining street.
(a) Where does the family live ?
(b) Why do you think the street is named as “complaining street” ?
21. But we ants never borrow, We ants never lend
(a) Why do you think ants neither borrow nor lend ?
(b) Who says these lines to whom ?
22. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.
(a) What is common for all of us ?
(b) How are we fed ?
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