Contest Name Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Watch & Win Prizes Contest 2023
Conducted By  Sun TV Network Ltd
Channel Name Sun Marathi
Eligibility Residents of Maharashtra
Prizes Cash prize worth INR 1000
Last Date 4th March, 2023
Official Website

Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Contest 2023

Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Watch & Win Prizes Contest 2023 is conducted by Sun TV Network Ltd on its channel Sun Marathi. Only residents of the state of Maharashtra who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to participate in the Contest. The winners of the contest shall be given a cash prize worth INR 1000 per winner. A total of INR 6,00,000 (INR Six Lakhs only) per shall be provided during the period of the contest.

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Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Contest Eligibility 2023

Only residents of the state of Maharashtra who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to participate in the Contest. Participants who are under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter the contest unless they have obtained express consent from their parent or legal guardian. In such cases, both the child and their parent or legal guardian shall be held fully responsible for complying with the rules of the contest.

Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Contest Period 2023

• Contest Period: The Contest starts on 27th February, 2023 (Monday) at 8.30 pm and ends on 4 March, 2023 (Saturday) at 11 pm.
• Contest Dates: 27th February, 2023 to 4 March, 2023.
• Contest hours: would commence from 8.30 pm i.e. the start time of the ‘Serial of the Month/ Maharashtrachi Mahamalika’ i.e. ‘Kanyadan’ and shall be valid till 11:00 pm on all Contest days. This Contest is applicable only to the Viewers of “Sun Marathi”.

How To Participate in the Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Contest 2023?

• During the Contest Period, STNL shall present a total of six questions spread over one per day, with one question per show, which will only be aired during the first week of each month.
• These questions will be presented to viewers of the Serial of the Month or termed as “Maharashtrachi Mahamalika”.
• Participants will need to pay careful attention to each episode of the Serial of the Month or termed as “Maharashtrachi Mahamalika” during the first of each month to ensure that they are able to answer the six questions correctly and thus be eligible to win any prizes that may be on offer during the Contest Period.

• During the Contest Period, a single question shall be asked every day, each with a minimum of two answer options – for example, options A and B.
• Each answer option shall be associated with a specific contact number which will be displayed on the screen during the Contest Period.
•  In order to participate, Participants must give a missed call to the contact number associated with the correct answer. By doing so, they will confirm their participation in the contest.

• The participants calling the incorrect answer’s phone number for each day of the contest will be treated as invalid and shall be summarily rejected.
•  The participants calling the correct answers’ phone number will be treated as valid and will be added to a Selected Participant list. This Selected Participant list will enter into a randomizer and a fixed number of winners from the said list will be selected.

• The participants have to send the correct answers within 11 pm on the same day. For Eg: If the contest question for the show “Kanyadan” is asked on 27th March at 8:23 pm, the answers have to be sent on 27th March (i.e., same day) before 11 pm, to be eligible to enter the lucky draw for winning the prize.
• Participants can make any number of Missed Calls to participate in the contest. More number of Missed Calls does not mean the chance of winning is higher. STNL will consider only the first correct entry from one number as the valid answer.
• STNL shall not be responsible in any way for failure of any backend technology of any applications and resultant inability of a Paricipant for participation.
• The term “Serial of the Month/Maharashtrachi Mahamalika” refers to a television series that is selected for a particular month as part of a contest on Sun Marathi. The chosen series for the month of March, 2023 is Kanyadan.

Sun Marathi Bagha Roj Jinka Rokh Contest Prizes 2023

• A total of 100 (hundred) winners from amongst the Correct Entries on each day for six days in a month, therefore 600 (Six Hundred) winners for the contest period will be selected the winners will be randomly chosen and only the selected winners will be informed by STNL.
• During the contest period, a single participant is limited to winning once per month.

• The winners of the contest shall be given a cash prize worth INR 1000 per winner. A total of INR 6,00,000 (INR Six Lakhs only) per shall be provided during the period of the contest.
• All the winners shall be eligible to enter into the lucky draw for winning the prize amount in which the randomizer shall run among all the participants who have answered correctly and within the given timeline.
• The winners will be chosen as per the sole discretion of STNL and only the selected winners will be informed by our STNL Team.
• The winners for the daily contest will be announced after a gap of two days (i.e. for questions asked on 27th March, the winners will be declared on 29th March) on “Sun Marathi” during the period of the contest or as determined by STNL.

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