University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Statistics
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Year 2023-24
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PUE PUC II Statistics Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Statistics Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Statistics Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Statistics Download Here

PUE PUC II Statistics Model Questions

Section – A:
I. Choose the correct answer from the choices given:
1. The expected number of years that a new born baby would live is called
a) Cohort
b) Radix
c) Longevity
d) Survival ratio

2. The prices of items increased by 10% in 2012 as compared to 2010. Then the index number for the year 2010 is
a) 110
b) 10
c) 100
d) 0

3. Following is the probability distribution of a binomial variate:
X 0 1 2 3 4
P(X) 0.0625 0.25 0.375 0.25 0.0625

The mode of the distribution is
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 1

4. There are four possible decisions under the testing of null hypothesis (H0):
i) Accept H0 when it is true
ii) Reject H0 when it is not true
iii) Accept H0 when it is not true
iv)Reject H0 when it is true

The correct decisions are
a) i and ii
b) iii and iv
c) i and iii
d) ii and iv

5. The cost associated with the maintenance of an inventory until they are sold or used is called
a) Capital cost
b) Setup cost
c) Shortage cost
d) Holding cost.

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(Chance, Fisher’s, Balanced, Parameter, Strategy, Bell)
6. Both time reversal test and factor reversal tests are satisfied by __________ index number.
7. The t-curve is __________shaped.
8. A statistical constant of the population is called a ______________.
9. A small amount of variation for which no specific cause can be attributed is termed as ___________cause of variation.
10. The ____________ of a player is the pre-determined rule by which a player determines his course of action.

III. Match the following:
11. N.R.R. per woman = 1.2 (a) Inventory Model II
12. Index numbers (b) X = 0, 1
13. The range of Bernoulli distribution (c) Population increases
14. H1: μ >50 (d) Economic barometers
15. Shortages are allowed (e) H0: μ = 50
(f) Historigram

IV. Answer the following questions:
16. Define fertility.
17. Which variation of time series is predictable?
18. Write the relation between mean and variance of a Bernoulli distribution.
19. Define null hypothesis.
20. When is a transportation problem balanced?

Section – B:
V. Answer any FIVE of the following questions:
21. Diagrammatically represent ‘Business Cycle’ with stages.
22. Write two assumptions of interpolation and extrapolation.
23. Find the mean of a Hyper geometric distribution whose parameters are a = 4, b = 6 & n = 5.
24. Find the standard deviation of a chi-square distribution with 8 d.f.
25. A random sample of size 36 is drawn from a population whose standard deviation is 4. Compute standard error of the sample mean.
26. Define ‘point estimation’ and ‘interval estimation’.
27. If P’ = 0.02 and n = 25, calculate upper control limit for np–chart.
28. Test whether solution for the following T.P. is non-degenerate?

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