University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year II PUC
Subject Electronics
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2023-24
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Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC II Electronics Model Question Paper 2024

Download Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) 2024 Second Year PUC Electronics Examination Model Question Paper.

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Download PUE PUC II Electronics Model Question Paper 2024

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
II PUC Electronics Download Here

PUE PUC II Electronics Model Questions

I. Select the correct answer from the choices given:
1. The correct circuit symbol for N-channel JFET is

2. In which transistor region the collector current is almost constant in CE output characteristics
a) Cutoff Region
b) active region
c) Saturation region
d) Ohmic region

3. Which of the following transistor Amplifier has highest voltage gain
a) CB Amplifier
b) CC Amplifier
c) CE Amplifier
d) CS Amplifier

4. Which among the below statements are true w.r.t.voltage series type of negative feedback
Statement I: It increases the bandwidth
Statement II: Decreasesthe output impedance
a) I is true and II is false
b) I is false and II is true
c) I and II both are true
d) I and II both are false

5. The OP AMP amplifiercircuit with feedback resistance 2.2KΩ and another resistanceof 1K Ω produces the output voltage of -2.2v when the input is applied to its pin 2. The input voltage to the circuit must be
a) 2.2v
b) -1v
c) 1v
d) -2.2v

6. The OPAMP circuit which acts as a high-pass filter
a) Differentiator
b) Integrator
c) Adder
d) Subtractor

7. Which of the following is aRC Oscillator
a) Phase shift oscillator
b) Hartleyoscillator
c) Colpitts’s oscillator
d) Crystal oscillator

8. The ionosphere layerspersistsduring both day and night time among the following list are
1) D layer
2) F layer
3) E layer

a)All the three layers
b) both D and E
c) only F layer
d) only D layer

9. What must be the permissible modulation index value to obtain maximum power in an AM transmitter?
a) ma>1
b) ma<1
c) ma=1
d) ma=0

10. PBJT is expanded as
a) Power Bijunction transistor
b) Polar Bijunction transistor
c) Power Bijunction transformer
d) None of the above

11. The number of variables that can be eliminated by a Quad in a KMAP is
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 1

12. Consider a LED bulb in a room which is operated by a two way switch, The ON/OFF condition of the LED bulb resembles the function of which gate
a) X-OR gate
b) NOR gate
c) NAND gate
d) OR gate

13. The addressing mode of the instruction Mov A, #43
a) Indirect
b) Immediate
c) Register
d) Direct

14. The correct C equivalent expression for A=1/2 bh
a) 0.5 *b*h
b) A=0.5*b*h
c) a=(b*h)/2
d) both b and c

15. Uplink frequency in satellite communication
a) 6 GHz
b) 4GHz
c) 10GHz
d) 15GHz

II Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer from those given in the bracket:
[a) Universal b) Source c)Modulation Index d) Self complimentary e) RC coupled f) Drain ]

16. _____________ is the terminal which supplies majority change carries in JFET
17. Voltage divider bias is also called as _______________.
18. The multistage amplifier used for AF amplification is__________________.
19. The ratio ofmaximum frequency deviationto the modulating frequency is ____________.
20. Excers-3 code is also known as _______________.

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