University Karnataka Department of Pre University Education
Course & Year I PUC
Subject Political Science
Download Model Question Paper
Syllabus Reduced  Syllabus 2020-21
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://pue.karnataka.gov.in/english

PUE PUC I Political Science Model Question Paper

Karnataka Department of Pre University Education (PUE) First Year PUC Political Science Model Question Paper 2020-21 for reduced syllabus.

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Download PUE PUC I Political Science Model Question Paper

Course & Subject Model Question Paper
I PUC Political Science Download

PUE PUC I Political Science Model Questions

I. Answer the following questions in one sentence each. 10×1=10
1. Who is the ‘Father of political science’?
2. Which is the Rout word of Liberty ?
3. What is constitution ?
4. Who was the chairmen of The Drafting committee ?
5. What is the tenure of Lokasabha ?
6. Who is the Ex-officio Chairmen of Rajyasabha ?
7. Name the present Chief Minister of karnataka.
8. Who appoints the Prime Minister ?
9. Who is the Guardian of Constitution ?
10. Which is the Highest Court of India ?

II. Answer any 10 of the following in 2-3 sentences. 10×2=20
11. Who are the called as Greek Philosopher-Trio ?
12. Name the two aspects of Sovereignty.
13. Name any two Economic Liberties.
14. Write any two Political Rights.
15. What is Written Constitution ?
16. What is Federal Government ?
17. What is Universal Adult Franchise ?
18. What is Legislature ?
19. Mention the Qualifications of members of Rajyasabha.
20. Mention any two functions of the Speaker.
21. Write the Qualifications of Governor.
22. What is family court ?

III. Answer any eight of the following in 5-10 sentences each. 8×5=40
23. Explain the scope of Political Science.
24. Is Political Science a Science? Discuss.
25. Mention the deference between State and Society.
26. Explain the features of Sovereignty.
27. Explain the kinds of Equality.
28. Explain the kinds of Law in brief.
29. Explain the features of Unitary Government.
30. List out the Fundamental Duties of Indian citizen.
31. Explain the powers and functions of Lokasabha in brief.
32. Explain the composition of Vidhanaparishath.
33. Explain the powers and functions of Chief Minister.
34. Explain the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in brief.

IV. Answer any two of the following in 30-40 sentences each. 2×10=20
35. What is State ? Explain the Elements of State.
36. Explain the dereference between Parliamentary and Presidential form of Governments.
37. Explain the salient features of Indian constitution.
38. Explain the powers and functions of the President.

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