Contest Pedigree Clean The Bowl Challenge 2023
Conducted By Mars International India Private Limited
Qualification Resident of India
Prizes Win Prizes Worth ₹20,000
Last Date 31st, August, 2023
Official Website

Pedigree Clean Bowl Challenge

Pedigree Clean The Bowl Challenge is run by Mars International India Private Limited and managed by Jack in The Box Worldwide, a professional agency for a period of fourteen weeks starting from 1st, April, 2023 to 31st, August, 2023

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How to Enter in the Pedigree Clean Bowl Challenge?

• To play the game, users/participants have to first scan the QR codes on the purchased product packets, which will lead them to a website where they will be asked to submit the required details before proceeding into the game/challenge.

• Once registered, Participants will play the game, which will last for a time period of 1 minute. After 1 minute has elapsed, they will be shown their score from the game along with an option to play the game again, or check the leaderboard standings. The aim of the game is to score the most they can in the given time period.

• To be eligible for the Final Prize, through the game, Participants need to make sure they score the highest and also hold one of the top 10 scores amongst all the players of the game, which will in-turn put them at the top 10 spots on the leaderboard.

• Using the details you submit upon entering the game, the Organizer has the right to contact you to keep you and your pet up to date with exciting promotions and new product developments from Mars Petcare and its affiliates.

Pedigree Clean Bowl Challenge Period

Pedigree Clean Bowl Challenge Period starts from 1st, April, 2023 and ends on 31st, August, 2023

Pedigree Clean Bowl Challenge Prizes

Final Prize : From all the entries received across the challenge period. 10 participants will be selected. These Grand Winners will be awarded a Summer Special Gift Hamper comprising items that are totally worth up to INR Rs.20,000. The Final Prize shall be redeemable within the stipulated time frame only.

To be eligible for the Grand Prize, a Participant must:
• Scan the QR Code on the packet to be redirected to the game and enter the correct details before starting to play the game.
• Score the highest points to be in the top 10 leaderboard.
• Keep playing the game to ensure that he/she stays on top of the leaderboard through the duration of the campaign. Spots on the leaderboard are dynamic and hence only the Participants, at the top of the leaderboard at the end of 31st August will be eligible to win the Final Prize. A Participant who has once made it to the top 10 spot on the leaderboard and then lost his/her spot before the end of the campaign duration, will not be deemed eligible to win the Final Prize.

If a Participant fulfils the above criteria, their entry will be considered shortlist worthy, and 10 Participants with the highest game score will be the named Final Winners. The qualitative choices made by the Organizer are at their sole discretion and the Organizers selection will be considered final.

Grand Winners will have the opportunity to avail a gift hamper worth INR Rs.20,000. The winners will be announced within _15__ days of every month for the Challenge Period. Any further details regarding the availing of the prize will be conveyed to the winner(s) individually.

To avail the Grand Prize, Grand Winners must respond to the Organizer and claim their prize within the time frame mentioned by the Organizer in the communication announcing the win. Should a Grand Winner fail to respond to the Organizer and claim the Grand Prize within the stipulated period, they will, under no circumstances, be eligible to claim the Grand Prize.

The winners of the Grand Prize will be contacted individually by representatives of the Organizer, for details and information required to make the aforementioned gratifications available to them.

Challenge Terms and Conditions

• By participating in the #PedigreeCleanBowlChallenge You accept and agree that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions, and are legally bound by the terms and conditions mentioned below.
• By entering this Challenge You agree to these terms and conditions, which shall at that time become binding between you and the Organizer. Your participation in the Challenge is in consideration for the Organizer allowing you to enter it and giving you the opportunity to win a prize.
• You must be at least 18 years of age and a citizen or permanent resident of India to enter into this Contest and receive a Grand Prize if you win. Officers and employees of Organizer and agencies associated with this Contest, and their immediate family members (parents, brothers/sisters, spouse, and children) are not eligible to participate in this contest. Only one entry per person is permitted.
• Multiple entries per Participant are not allowed and one phone or one contact number cannot win more than once.
• Participants are mandatorily required to fill in the registration form. Participants can additionally (but not necessarily) share their score on their Facebook and Instagram handles as well, with the hashtag #PedigreeCleanBowlChallenge and tag @pedigree_india , should they choose to do so. Participants shall be governed by the terms of the services of Instagram and Facebook with respect to their accounts.
• The entry should not contain any vulgarity, obscenity, etc., nor will any demeaning, abusive, and profane language, or hate speech, be tolerated. If found, the entry will be rendered unusable, and the Participant will be banned from the Challenge.
• Selection of the winners will be carried out by the Organizer at their sole discretion and shall be final & binding upon all Participants.
• Winners with the same score will be then decided based on the no. of times an individual has played the game.
• Any Participant found to be manipulating or forging the results through unlawful or/unethical means shall be disqualified.
• The prizes being offered in the Contest are subject to the warranty of the manufacturer and Organizer/Creative Partner cannot be held responsible in any manner for defects, features or malfunctions.
• The Contest has been organized by Organizer and managed by Creative Partner.
• Winners will be getting a Summer Dog Accessories Hamper worth INR Rs. 20,000. The hamper will contain Care/Treats + Gravy (box of 15) + Ped PRO (3kg pack) + 1 Inflatable dog pool + 1 Deshedder with Rake for Dogs – Orange + 1 Portable Dog water bottle + 1 Pet Perfume + 1 Pet Cooling towel + 1 Pet Ice Cool Bandana + 1 Personalized Dog Mat + 1 Personalized dog bed.
• The Organizer reserves the right to choose to replace or substitute the above product with similar items from the Pedigree product range.

• The Grand Prize will be given only to the respective winner in whose name the entry has been made. The winner shall produce documents to prove his/her identity and age proof at his/her own cost.
•  The prizes shall not be transferable / redeemable against anything in cash or kind. No request shall be entertained by the Organizer and/or Creative Partner on this behalf.

• Organizer and Creative Partner shall not be responsible for delayed delivery of the Grand Prize.
• Any statutory taxes, duties or levies as may be applicable from time to time, arising out of/ in respect of such prizes and/or grand prize, shall be payable by the winner/s of the respective prizes.
• Organizer/Creative Partner does not make any commitment whether express or implied in relation to the quality, durability and workability of the prizes.
•  Organizer/Creative Partner shall not be responsible for the quality, fitness, merchantability, defect or deficiency etc., of the Grand Prize under this Contest and no claim or request, whatsoever, in this respect shall be entertained by Organizer/Creative Partner.

• The winners will have to bear all costs associated with claiming the Grand Prize.
• If the Grand Prize is not claimed, then Organizer in its sole discretion will have the right to deal with it.
• Organizer and/or Creative Partner shall not be responsible or liable for any injury, loss, damage, cost, or other charges or consequence whatsoever arising from, or suffered or incurred by the Participants in connection with the Contest, or the winner/s arising from or in relation to the Weekly Prizes, Grand Prize or the award of the prizes to the winner/s including any delays.
• The Grand Prize are personal to the winner and his/her legal heirs shall have no rights or claims with respect to the Grand Prize, neither will Organizer hand over the Grand Prize to anyone else, except the winner/s personally.
• Therefore, if the winner/s dies before claiming the Grand Prize, such legal heir, or anyone else (if the winner/s is alive) on behalf of the winner/s (with or without authorization from the Winner/s) will not be entitled to collect the Grand Prize.

• If a Participant has won the challenge but does not wish to take the Challenge Prize, Organizer and/ Creative Partner will not alter the whole or any part of the Challenge Prize. Under no circumstances can any portion of the Challenge Prize be converted into cash whether by way of refund or otherwise.
• The Challenge Grand Prize shall not be transferred or sold and will be exclusively for the Winner. Organizer reserves the right to change the Challenge/Grand Prize at any time without any prior notice or consultation.
• Organizer reserves the right to alter the terms of this Contest or terminate the Contest at its own discretion and without prior notice to the Participant(s) and such alteration of the terms and / or termination, will not result in Organizer incurring any liability whatsoever.

• Participation in this Challenge implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the Contest.


In case of any queries/feedback, participants can get in touch with Organizer at

Have a question? Please feel free to reach out by leaving a comment below

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