Service Know Your Polling Station
Department Election Commission of India [ECI)
Service Mode Online
Eligibility Indian Voters
Official Website

Election Commission Polling Station

“Know Your Polling Station” is a service provided by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to help voters find out their designated polling station. It allows voters to easily locate where they need to go to cast their votes during elections. This service is typically available online through the ECI’s official website or mobile app, where voters can input their details such as their electoral district, constituency, and other relevant information to determine their polling station. This initiative aims to facilitate the voting process and ensure that voters are well-informed about where they need to go to exercise their democratic right.

Check ECI Lok Sabha Election 2024 Updates Here

Steps To Know Your Lok Sabha Election 2024 Polling Station

• Enter your EPIC Number and Captcha Code
• Hit SEARCH Button

Election FAQs

What is the condition for getting registered in electoral roll?
Ans. Applicant should be i. An Indian citizen, ii. of 18 years or more of age with reference to qualifying dates, iii. ordinary resident of the area concerned

When will the ERO process the advance claims received with respect to the subsequent qualifying dates of the year?
Ans. Such advance claims received during Annual Summary Revision and also after final publication shall be disposed of by the EROs in the concerned subsequent quarters only under continuous updation, in the first month of subsequent quarter

What is the relevant date for revision of electoral roll after the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021 came into existence?
Ans. The Annual Summary Revision is conducted with reference to 01st January of the year only, in which the roll is finally published, as qualifying date. During a non election year, no regular revision activities would be there for the subsequent qualifying dates of the year. However, during a year when general election to State Assembly of House of People is due, a second Summary Revision may be conducted w.r.t. the qualifying date proximate to the said general election. However, there would be no restriction on filing of advance application with reference to the subsequent qualifying dates of summary revision in a year and such advance applications will be disposed of under continuous updation.

How can one get registered/enrolled in the electoral roll?
Ans. One has to file the application for the purpose, in prescribed Form 6(6A in case of overseas Indian), before the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO)/Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO) of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant falls. The application accompanied by copies of the relevant documents can be filed in person before the concerned ERO/AERO or sent by post or can be handed over to the Booth Level Officer of polling area concerned, or can be filed online through NVSP portal/VHA mobile application or on website of Chief Electoral Officer of the concerned state/ECI. While filing Form 6 on line, the copies of necessary documents should also be uploaded.

From where registration forms can be obtained?
Ans. Forms can be downloaded from the website of Election Commission of India. Formsare also available free of cost in offices of Electoral Registration Officers / Assistant Electoral Registration Officers and Booth Level Officers of the concerned polling station areas.

Is it mandatory to provide the Aadhaar details of the applicant in the field provided in the Forms for registration?
Ans. No it is a purely voluntary field and non-submission of Aadhaar details shall not be a ground for the rejection of the application by the Electoral Registration Officer. It is expected from the applicant to furnish the Aadhaar details voluntarily for the sake of purification of electoral roll.

I am a student staying at the place of study in a hostel / mess far from my native place. I want to get myself registered at my present address of residence. What should I do?
Ans. In case of a student residing at the place of study, in hostel or mess managed by the educational institutions or elsewhere will have the option to get himself / herself registered as elector at his / her native place with his / her parents or at the address ofhostel / mess where he / she is resident for the time being for pursuing his / herstudies. The course pursued by the said students should be recognized by Central / State Governments / Boards / Universities / Deemed Universities and such courses should be of not less than 1 year’s duration. Such student who wants to enrol himself / herself at the hostel / mess will have to attach a bonafide certificate (as per the specimen at Annexure II of Guidelines attached to Form 6 available on the website of Election Commission) from the Headmaster / Principal / Director / Registrar / Dean of his/her educational institution with Form 6

A homeless person, who is otherwise eligible for registration as an elector, does not possess documentary proof of ordinary residence. What is the procedure of verification in such case?
Ans. In case of homeless persons, the Booth Level Officer will visit the address given in Form 6 at night to ascertain that the homeless person actually sleeps at the place which is given as his address in Form 6. If the Booth Level Officer is able to verify that the homeless person actually sleeps at that place, no documentary proof of place of residence shall be necessary. Booth Level Officer must visit for more than one night for such verification. After conducting such verification and to the satisfaction of ERO that the person fulfills all the prescribed conditions, necessary action for enrolment shall be done

I am a tenant and my landlord does not want me to get enrolled. How can I get enrolled as a voter? Who is competent authority to verify claim applications and objections?
Ans. To get enrolled in the voter list is your statutory right. Please check the electoral roll of your area available on website of Election Commission / Chief Electoral Officer of the state / in office of Electoral Registration Officer / Assistant Electoral Registration Officer. If your name is not included in the roll, please fill up Form 6 and submit it to the ERO/ AERO/ Booth Level Officer

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