Board Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB]
Class SSLC [Class 10th]
Subject First/Second/Third Language English
Download Model Question Paper
Year 2021-22
Document Type PDF
Official Website https://sslc.karnataka.gov.in/english

KSEEB Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper

Download Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board [KSEEB], SSLC [Class 10th] First/Second/Third Language English Model Question Paper 2021-2022

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Download Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper

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First Language English [NCERT] Download

Karnataka SSLC First Language English Model Questions

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following question/incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 6×1=6

1. I ate _______ apple yesterday. ________ apple was juicy and delicious. The appropriate articles to be filled in the blanks are
A) the, The
B) an, A
C) an The
D) a, A

2. She sang melodiously, ______. The appropriate question tag to be used here is
A) doesn’t she?
B) didn’t she?
C) did she?
D) does she?

3. The students were instructed to ____________the questions before they answered them. The correct Phrasal verb to be filled in the blank is
A) go along
B) go through
C) go into
D) go away

4. I have been trying to learn to play the guitar for so many years but I___________________ yet. The blank to be filled with the correct verb form is
A) did not succeed
B) will not succeed
C) have not succeeded
D) had not succeeded

5. Growing up means__________ getting larger _________using our senses and brains to become more aware of the things around us. The appropriate words to be filled in the blanks are
A) neither … nor
B) either … or
C) not only … but also
D) no sooner … than

6. Gandhiji, more than any other leader, ____________ India’s struggle for freedom. The appropriate form of word to be filled in the blank is
A) symbol
B) symbolizes
C) symbolising
D) symbolical

II. Observe the relationship in the first pair of words and complete the second pair accordingly in the following 4 X1=4
7. Slowly : Adverb :: Intelligent : ___________
8. Herd : Cattle :: Hive :_____________
9. Complete : Incomplete :: Nutrition : _____________
10. Meet : Meat :: Blue :_____________

III. Rewrite as directed 3 X1 =3
11. Change the voice of the sentence:
The crowd expected him to arrive at ten o’clock.

12. Frame a question to get the underlined words as answer:
He searched for the lost mobile phone everywhere.

13. Rewrite the sentence as Exclamatory:
Anne’s hand writing is very beautiful.

IV. Answer the following questions in a sentence each: 4X1=4
14. Who were the Magi?
15. What is non-moral action according to Gandhiji?
16. According to Gandhiji when does simple living become moral?
17. ‘I told it not, my wrath did grow’. Explain the line

V. Answer the following questions in two to three sentences each: 7X2=14
18. Why did the elders of the Workers’ Paradise become anxious?
19. What discoveries did Pasteur make about yeast?
20. What did the hunters do with the male Sarus Crane?
21. Write the details of the peak that appeared fearful to the boy.
22. Why had Buttoo gone to Dronacharya? What response did he get from him?
23. Why was Arjuna’s mind wavering when Lord Krishna asked him to slay Karna?
24. Why did Ulysses and his men enter the habitation of the Cyclops?

VI. Rewrite as directed: 3X2 =6
25. Change the following sentence to reported speech
The tall man said to the guest, “Are you the person who spends hours on the doorstep chatting with strangers?”

26. Change the following sentence to the other two degrees of comparison :
King Solomon was one of the wisest kings in the world.

27. Combine the sentences using :
a) too … to
b) so … that
Life is beautiful. I cannot think of ugly things.

VII. Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each: 6X3=18
28. Describe how the girl examined the painted pitcher at home. What was the impact on her?
29. How did Lochinvar finally win Ellen for himself?
30. The narrator was haunted by a mysterious presence within him even many days after the stolen boat experience – Explain.
31. Explain how John Masefield regrets for being ungrateful towards his mother?
32. Describe how the writer introduces Karna to the Assembly?
33. How did Pasteur prove that the pure air is different from stale air – Explain.

The narrator tried his best to impress that he was normal sighted during his encounter with the girl. Illustrate.

VIII. Explain with reference to the context: 5X3=15
34. “Give me your watch, I want to see how it looks on it.’’
35. “She was usually called Anne sometimes Tender one.’’
36. “If I stop walking, I shall freeze.’’
37. And here I learn all by myself.
38. She cannot see the life she gave.

Download KSEEB SSLC 2012-2021 Question Papers Here

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