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Subject Social Science
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JKBOSE Class 10th Social Science Question Bank

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JKBOSE Class 10th Social Science Questions

A. History :
Chapter no.1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Fill In The Blanks:
a. The use of polish came to be seen as a symbol of ________________ against Russian dominance.
b. The large land owners of __________ were called junkers
c. Germania wears a crown of _________ leaves, which stand for heroism.
d. The symbol of ____________ means being freed.
e. The French Revolution gave the clear idea of nationalism with core words of equality , …………..and………………
f. The mission of French revolutionaries Was to liberate people of…………………………… from despotism
g. United Kingdom of Great Britain was formed after the treaty of ……………………….
h. ………………………. country is known as the Cradle of European civilization
i. The nationality of Frederic Sorrieo was…………………………..
j. To preserve the traditional institutions like Church was the basic philosophy of……………………………
k. Dos Volk a German word means …………………………………..
l. Frankfurt parliament was Convened at …………………………… ………………….
m. ………………………… State led the unification of Germany
n. France was represented as a nation by ……………………………

One Word Substitution:
1. Which country of Europe remarkable role in developing nationalism?
2. Which vision was presented by Frederic sorrieu for social and democratic world?
3. The term suffrage means?
4. Statue of liberty was designed by?
5. Who defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo?
6. Giuseppe Mazzini was member of which secret society?
7. Who wrote the poem essay what is a Nation?
8. Which treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation?
9. Awareness of women’s rights and interests based on belief of economic and political equality of the gender is called___________.
10. System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision is known as _________.

Write ‘True’ Or ‘False’ For Each Statement:
a. Napolean were defeated in Waterloo in 1815.
b. Suffrage means equality before law.
c. A custom union of Zolverien was formed in 1834.
d. “God saves our noble king” became the national anthem of G. Britain.
e. Kaiser William 1 was proclaimed emperor of Germany through the ceremony held at Versailles
f. Lord Byron was a Poet and not a ruler
g. Mazzini describes Metternich as most dangerous Enemy of social order
h. The Treaty of Constantinople brought conservative regimes back to power
i. In 1861 Frederick William IV was proclaimed king of United Italy
j. Image of Germania signifies fold and cultural tradition
k. The conference of Congress of Vienna was attended by Switzerland
l. Germania was the allegory of French nation who will crown of oak leaves
m. Elle in Germany was used to measure height

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