Department UT of Jammu and Kashmir
Service Apply For J&K Domicile Certificate Online
Eligibility Residents of Jammu and Kashmir
Official Website

Jammu and Kashmir Domicile Certificate

Domicile Certificates are issued by the Tehsildar Concerned where the applicant is residing. For Online certificates Citizens can apply through Citizens first have to register with their full particulars as required on the web site.

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After registration, citizens can login into the web site and apply for Domicile Certificate. Citizens must ensure that they have selected proper Tehsil at the time of registration. Updation of Tehsil of applicant can be done after successful login by the applicant under “My Profile” option.

Rule 5 of the J&K Grant of Domicile Certificate (Procedure) Rules, 2020 mandates certain documents which are to be annexed with the application. Those applications which lack the prescribed documents are rejected. The relevant order of the Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir is available on their web site,

The permanent resident certificate (PRC) holders and other applicants can apply for the issuance of domicile certificate online by providing their Aadhaar number and receive the certificate through online mode at PRC holders will be able to receive their domicile certificate through this application without having to visit any office.

Steps To Apply For J&K Domicile Certificate Online

1. Visit Jammu & Kashmir e-Services Platform
2. Click on “Citizen Registration” to Register
3. Fill Online Registration Form and Submit
4. After registration, login into the web site and
5. Apply for Domicile Certificate

Important Instructions

1. Before applying the Service, User has to register using the Citizen Registration Link given on login Screen. Already Registered Citizen can avail the Service Using Login ID and Password generated after Citizen Registration.
2. Applicant has to upload the Passport size scan photo (jpg image) in the clear background of size less than 50 kb.
3. Please, note the user id and password entered by the applicant during registration for Login and availing the service.
4. Please, select the role type Citizen while entered login credentials by the Applicant using Citizen Users ID and Password.
5. After Login, Applicant has to click on the e-services tab in the left menu and thereafter click on the department to which he has to avail the service.(e.g. Scholarship schemes under Social Welfare Department or Domicile Service Using General Administration Dept.)
6. Please, note the Citizen ID, Username and Password after successful registration of Citizen as it will be required at the time of availing the service.

Documents Required

• Aadhaar
• PRC of self and parents
• Date of Birth certificate
• Proof of identity
• Proof of residence
• Certificate of education verified by the Chief Education Officer (CEO) of the district
• Certificate of registration as migrant (Migrants)

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