Company Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited [HPCL]
Recruitment Engineer Recruitment 2021
Qualification B.E/B.Tech
Number of Vacancies 200
Job Location All Over India
Last Date 15th April 2021
Official Website https://hindustanpetroleum.com/

HPCL Engineer Recruitment 2021

HPCL invites talented & motivated Indian nationals looking for exciting career opportunities in energy sector and willing to contribute towards India’s energy future by being part of our growth journey. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following vacancies ONLINE.

Also Read : BRO General Reserve Engineer Force Recruitment 2021

Post & Vacancies

Post Stream Vacancies
Mechanical Engineer Mechanical, Mechanical & Production 120
Civil Engineer Civil 30
Electrical Engineer Electrical, Electrical & Electronics 25
Instrumentation Engineer Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Electronics 25

Educational Qualification

1.Qualification must be 4-year full time regular engineering course from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University with minimum 60% marks for UR/OBCNC/EWS Candidates and 50% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates, under the relevant engineering stream as mentioned above only

2.Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/Institute. A certificate to this effect from University / Institute which shall be required at the time of interview shortlisting stage.

3. Students in the final year/semester of the qualifying course are also eligible to apply. They will be allowed provisionally subject to submission of all the documentary proof at later stages. At the time of applying, the aggregate marks required will be same as mentioned above as per respective category.

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Placement / Posting

Posting/ Assignment can be in any SBUs/Division/Department of the Corporation at any place in the country and the services thereafter will be transferable as per the requirement of the Corporation. These positions may involve working in shift duties. Selected candidates may also be posted / assigned to any of the subsidiaries/Joint Ventures or any department of Government of India in India or abroad.

Pre-Employment Medical Exam

Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidate being medically fit as per the standards prescribed for the post by the Company. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to get their PreEmployment Medical Examination done in HPCL nominated empanelled hospitals. Reference for a medical examination does not mean final selection.

Probation & Retention

The Selected Officers will be on Probation for 1 year from the Date of Joining. Upon successful completion of the Probation period, the officer will be considered for confirmation as per company policy.

Retention Amount:
An amount of Rs. 5000/- per month will be deducted as retention amount from the total emoluments for first six months during the probation period. The amount will be refunded to the officers only after their confirmation. The retention amount will be forfeited, in case the employee leaves the Corporation or on termination of service before the confirmation.

How To Apply?

Candidates are requested to apply online only on www.hindustanpetroleum.com Careers-> Current Openings, after reading detailed advertisement. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted

Apply Online

Application Fee

1. SC, ST & PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
2. UR, OBCNC and EWS candidates are required to pay a Non-Refundable Amount of Rs.1180/- + payment gateway charges if any

Payment Mode:
Debit / Credit card/UPI/Net Banking: On paying application fee online, the payment status will automatically change to “Your Transaction is successfully completed”, on successful receipt of fees

Selection Process

1. The selection process may comprise of various shortlisting tools like Computer Based test, Group Task, Personal Interview etc.
2. All the candidates claiming to fulfil all the eligibility criteria will be called for Computer Based Test.

3. Computer Based Test will be of objective questions with no negative marking and will comprise of 2 parts.
a. General Aptitude consisting of English Language, Quantitative Aptitude Test & Intellectual Potential test.
b. Technical / Professional Knowledge comprising of questions related to Qualifying degree / Educational background required for the applied position.

4. Candidates qualifying in the Computer Based Test in order of merit & predetermined ratio will be advised to upload the supporting documents.

5.Basis scrutiny of the application, uploaded documents and category-wise and discipline-wise merit list in Computer Based Test, eligible candidates will be called for Group Task & Personal Interview.

6. Candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the stages i.e. Computer Based Test, Group Task and Personal Interview to be considered for further selection process.

7. A category & discipline-wise merit list will be drawn for all the candidates who qualify in all the stages. Computer Based Test + Group Task + Personal Interviews & offer of appointment would be as per the category & discipline-wise vacancies available.

Important Dates

Commencement of online application : 3rd March 2021
Last date of online application : 15th April 2021


Queries can be emailed at careers@hpcl.in keeping the subject of the mail formatted as “Position Name – Application Number”

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