University | Anna University |
Download | Question Bank |
Department | B.E Computer Science |
Subject & Subject Code | MA 6251 Discrete Mathematic |
Regulation | 2018 |
Year | Apr/May 2019 |
Official Website | https://library.annauniv.edu/index.php |
Anna University Question Bank
Anna University B.E Computer Science MA 6251 Discrete Mathematic Question Bank
Download All Anna University BE Computer Science Engineering Question Bank Here
Download Anna University Discrete Mathematic Question Bank
MA 6251 Discrete Mathematic Regulation 2018 | Download Question Bank Here |
The University Library is located in 3 places, the College of Engineering(CEG) campus, Madras Institute of Technology(MIT) campus and School of Architecture and Planning(SAP) campus in a sprawling green eco friendly environment spanning across around 4025.49 sq.mts, 1256 sq.mts and 1200 sq.mts respectively.
Library Around 10,157 registered uses are in access of the library. Many knowledge-based services like that of Reference, Bibliography, MALIBNET service., DELNET, Reprography, CD-ROM Databases, Internet browsing and e services are provided by the library for its users.
All the library functions have all been well automated and entry into the library and book transaction is made possible with RFID Technology using smart card. Presently the entire computerization activity of the library has been revamped with specialized software, a comprehensive package with built in library modules suitable for the entire gamut of all library functions.
Besides this, this software is more compatible with RFID Technology, which is a total security transaction module. Video Cameras have been fixed at tangible points for surveillance. The University Library is a part of INDEST consortium for e-journal access at discounted rates as determined by MHRD. This enables access to the world of nascent journals on line.
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