University Anna University
Department B.E Civil
Subject With Code CE 8201 Construction Materials

Regulation 2015

Year  April 2014
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Anna University BE Civil Construction Materials Question Bank

Download Anna University B.E Civil Engineering CE 8201 Construction Materials Regulation 2015 Question Bank April 2014

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Download Anna University BE Civil Construction Materials Question Bank

 B.E Civil CE 8201 Construction Materials Question Bank Download Here

BE Civil Construction Materials April 2014 Question Bank

Part-A : (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Write any two criteria for the selection of good building stones.
2. Based upon the IS codal provision how do you classify the bricks?
3. What is slaking of lime?
4. What is setting time of cement?
5. Grade of concrete-define.
6. WhatisHPC?
7. Distinguish between heart wood and sap wood.
8. What are distempers?
9. What are Sealants?
10. Write the advantages of FRP.

Part – B : ( 5 x 16 = 80 marks)
11. Explain any four important tests to be conducted on coarse aggregates with neat sketches.

12. a) (i). Explain in detail about the characterization of good building stones.(12)
(ii). Write the different methods of preservation of stones. (4) (OR)
b) With neat sketches explain the manufacturing process of bricks.

13. a) Describe the properties of hardened concrete and also explain the different strength tests to be conducted on concrete. (OR)
b) (i). Write the step by step procedure of designing the concrete mix as per IS codal provision. (12)
(ii). What is RMC? Explain in detail. (4)

14. (i) List and explain the market forms of timber (8)
(ii) . Discuss about aluminum and its alloys. (8)
(i) . Explain the ingredients of paints. (8)
(ii) . Discuss the different types of steel. (8)

15. Explain the following
(i) . Types of glasses (8)
(ii) . Refractories (8)
Write shorts notes on:
(i) . Classification of composites and its advantages (10)
(ii) . Geomembranes (6)

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