Mentors Eduserv
Exam Hindustan Mentors Eduserv Scholarship Exam 2021
Mentors Eduserv
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Hindustan Mentors Eduserv Scholarship Exam 2021

Online applications are invited for Hindustan Mentors Eduserv Scholarship Exam 2021 from Students Presently Studying in Class 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11.

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Hindustan Mentors Eduserv Scholarship Exam Syllabus 2021

Syllabus For Class 7 Studying Students going to Class 8 in 2021

Mental Ability:
Questions on general logic and Mental Ability.

1. Heat
2. Motion & Time
3. Wind, Storm and Cyclone

1. Fibre to Fabric
2. Acids, Bases and Salts
3. Soil

1. Integers
2. Fractions & Decimals
3. Data handling
4. Simple Equations
5. Lines and Angles
6. Triangles & its properties

1. Nutrition in Plants
2. Nutrition in Animals
3. Weather, Climate and Adaptation of animals to Climate

Syllabus For Class 8 Studying Students going to Class 9 in 2021

Mental Ability:
Questions on general logic and Mental Ability.

1. Force and Pressure
2. Friction
3. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
4. Natural Phenomena

1. Synthetic Fibres & Plastics
2. Metals and Non metals
3. Coal & Petroleum

1. Rational Numbers
2. Square & Square roots, Cube & Cube roots
3. Linear Equation in One Variable
4. Exponents, Identities & Factorization
5. Comparing Quantities

1. Crop Production & Management
2. Microorganism
3. Cell-Structure of Cell & its Function

Syllabus For Class 9 Studying Students going to Class 10 in 2021

Mental Ability:
Questions on general logic and Mental Ability.

1. Motion Uniform, Non uniform (Accelerated)
2. Forces and Laws of motion
3. Gravitation

1. Matter in Our Surrounding
2. Is matter around us pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of Atom

1. Number System
2. Polynomials
3. Lines & Angles
4. Triangles
5. Co-ordinate Geometry

1. Improvement in Food Resources
2. Cell-The fundamental Unit of life
3. Tissues
4. Diseases: Why do we fall ill

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Syllabus For Class 10 Studying Students going to Class 11 in 2021

Mental Ability:
Questions on general logic and Mental Ability.

1. Electricity and its heating and chemical effects
2. Magnetic effects of electric current
3. Light

1. Chemical Reactions & Equations
2. Acid, Base and Salts
3. Periodic Classification
4. Metals and Non-Metals

1. Real numbers
2. Polynomials
3. Triangles
4. Trigonometry
5. Pair of Linear equations in two variables

1. Life Processes
2. Control & Co-ordination

Syllabus For Class 11 Studying Students going to Class 12 [E] in 2021

1. Physical world and Measurement
2. Vectors
3. Kinematics
4. Laws of Motion

1. Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
2. Atomic Structure
3. Classification of Element and Periodic Properties
4. State of Matter

1. Basic Mathematics
2. Sets, Relations and Functions
3. Logarithms
4. Linear Inequalities
5. Sequence & Series
6. Trigonometric Ratios and Identities
7. Straight Line

Apply For Hindustan Mentors Eduserv Scholarship Exam 2021 Here

Syllabus For Class 11 Studying Students going to Class 12 [M] in 2021

1. Physical world and Measurement
2. Vectors
3. Kinematics
4. Laws of Motion

1. Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
2. Atomic Structure
3. Classification of Element and Periodic Properties
4. State of Matter

1. Living World
2. Diversity of Animals
3. Animal Tissue
4. Morphologic & Anatomy of Plant
5. Cell Biology
6. Biomolecules

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