Department Government of Karnataka [ KTBS Karnataka Textbook Society Textbooks]
Class 10th/ SSLC
Medium English
Subject Physical Education
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Karnataka Class 10th Physical Education Text Book

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Download Karnataka Class 10th Physical Education Text Book

Karnataka Class 10th Physical Education Text Book Download

Karnataka Class 10th Physical Education Text Book Chapter 1

You have learnt some fundamental skills in Volleyball in the previous classes. In this class you will learn a few complex skills and tactics.

1. Floating Service:
This is a skill where the service is executed in such a way that the ball travels in the air in a zig zag manner.

a) Stance – The player stands in the service zone in a diagonal stance with the ball held in his left hand. The shoulders are parallel to the neck and the body weight is distributed equally on both feet.

b) Execution – Toss the ball:- The ball is tossed in front and above the head with the left hand. The body movements should be coordinated and there should be no jerky movements.

Service Action:- Transfer the body weight onto the front foot and rotate the hips forwards. Simultaneously push the right hand towards the ball.

Contact:- The ball should be contacted straight in the middle with the full face of the palms, slightly in front of the left shoulder. When hitting in this manner the fingers should not touch the ball. The palms should be fully open with the fingers slightly bent backwards. The wrist should be slightly extended.

Follow through :- After the contact with the ball the player lets his firmly holds his hand in the direction of ball.

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