Board Madhya Pradesh Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (Vimarsh)
Class Class 9th
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Year 2020-2021
Subject English
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MP Vimarsh Class 9th Question Bank 2021

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Madhya Pradesh Class 9th English Sample Questions

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below.

We live in a city or a village. We must keep places around our houses and school neat andclean.Garbage should not be thrown here and there. It should be put only in dustbins. If wethrow garbage all over the place, our surroundings become dirty.We also need to reduce the use of plastic. We should use paper or jute bags instead ofplastic bags. Also, we should plant trees. Trees will make our surroundings beautiful andkeep us healthy.

1. What should we keep neat and clean?
2. Where should people put the garbage?
3. What should people use instead of plastic bags?
4. Why do we need to plant trees?
5. Give the opposite of „ugly? from the passage.

1. We must keep places around our house and school neat and clean.
2. Garbage should be put only in dustbins.
3. People should use paper or jute bags instead of plastic bags.
4. We need to plant trees because they make our surroundings beautiful and keep us healthy.
5. Beautiful

One day, a man was walking through a desert. After sometime, he became thirsty. He found atree nearby. He sat under the tree. “Oh, there is no water anywhere!” he thought. Suddenly, atumbler full of cold water came in front of him. The traveller was happy and drank the water. After a few minutes, the traveller thought, “Oh, I have nothing to eat!” Suddenly, a basket fullof fruits appeared before him. The traveller ate happily. He thanked the tree and continued his journey.

1. Where was the man walking?
2. What did he find?
3. How did the traveller feel when he got a tumbler full of cold water?
4. Who gave fruits to the traveller?
5. Write the opposite of the word „empty? from the passage.

1. The man was walking through a desert.
2. He found a tree nearby.
3. The traveller was happy and drank the water.
4. The tree gave fruits to the traveller.
5. Full

Lalita sowed some tomato seeds in her garden. The seeds grew into little plants after a few days. She removed every weed.She never allowed any insect near her pet plants. When the days were hot, she watered the plants. She put compost under the plants. The flowers grew and became big. The tiny green tomatoes began to show. Lalita and her sister watered the plants daily. A very large beautiful tomato grew in the plant. Her father said, “It is the finest tomato I have ever seen.” The sisters were very happy.

1. What did Lalita sow in her garden?
2. What did she remove?
3. What did she put under the plants?
4. What did her father say?
5. Why were the sisters happy?

1. Lalita sowed some tomato seeds in her garden.
2. She removed every weed
3. She put compost under the plants.
4. Her father said, “It is the finest tomato I have ever seen.”
5. A very large beautiful tomato grew in the plant. So the sisters were very happy.

Passage- 4:
Once, Mahatma Gandhi’s father bought him the book „Shravana Pitribhakti Nataka’ He read it with great interest. He was very pleased when he saw the pictures of Shravana carrying his blind parents to holy places. The pictures had a great effect on him. “Here is an example for you to copy,” he said to himself. He could never forget Shravana’s love for his parents.

One day, Mahatma Gandhi got his father’s permission to see the play Harishchandra. He liked the play so much that he watched it many times. He acted the role of Harishchandra again and again. Day and night he asked himself, “Why should not all be truthful like Harishchandra?” The play made him cry. It inspired him to follow the path of ‘satya” even in difficult times.

1. What was the name of the book that Mahatma Gandhi?s father bought?
2. Which picture in the book had a great effect on Mahatma Gandhi?
3. What did Mahatma Gandhi never forget about Shravan?
4. Which play did Mahatma Gandhi see many times?
5. What inspired him to follow the path of „Satya??

1. Mahatma Gandhi’s father bought him the book „Shravana Pitribhakti Nataka’.
2. He was very pleased when he saw the pictures of Shravana, carrying his blind parents to holy places.
3. Mahatma Gandhi could never forget Shravana’s love for his parents.
4. Mahatma Gandhi saw the play „Harishchandra? many times.
5. The play „Harishchandra? inspired him to follow the path of „satya?.

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