University The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University [TNMGRMU]
Course M.B.B.S
Year Second Year
Subject & Code Pathology II [6061]
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TNMGRMU MBBS 2nd Year Pathology II Question Bank

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Download TNMGRMU MBBS 2nd Year Pathology II Question Bank

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TNMGRMU MBBS 2nd Year Pathology II Questions

March 2022:
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. 50 years male alcoholic presented with jaundice. How will you investigate this patient? What is the effect of alcohol on liver? Morphology and clinical features and complications of alcoholic liver disease.
2. 55 years female presented with a hard lump in the right breast. Enlist the risk factors. Describe the molecular classification, pathogenesis and morphology of the above condition. Add a note on prognostic factors.

II. Write Short notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. 35 years female presented with fever with rigors, urine examination revealed plenty of pus cells and granular cast. What is the pathogenesis of this condition?
2. 50 years male smoker C/o dyspnea his PET revealed FEV1 / FVC ratio of 0.5. He had barrel shaped chest. What is your diagnosis? What is the etiology and pathogenesis for this disease?
3. 30 years female with lytic lesion in distal Ulna and X-ray revealed soap bubble appearance. What is your diagnosis? Morphology of this condition.
4. What is the role of pap smear in cancer screening?
5. 55 years male C/o weight loss and dyspepsia, endoscopy revealed an ulcerative lesion antrum. What is your diagnosis? Describe the morphologic classification and microscopic findings.
6. 30 years female presented with diarrhea, weight loss, protruding eye balls and thyromegaly. What is the pathogenesis and morphology of the above condition?
7. Role of FNAC in diagnosis of breast lump.
8. 40 years male presented with testicular mass. What is your differential Diagnosis? Draw the microscope findings is this condition.
9. Meningiomas.
10.Physical examination findings in urine. What are the clinical conditions you can diagnose with physical examination of urine?

August 2022:
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. 45 years old male, known smoker and alcoholic with complaints of chest pain presented to the emergency ward. His ECG was abnormal.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Write in detail about pathogenesis and morphology of the disease. Write a note on the investigations needed.

2. 55 years female presented to the surgical OP with complaints of swelling in Right side breast, on examination the swelling was hard and fixed. Needle core biopsy was taken.
a) What is your diagnosis and classify the lesion?
b) Write about the morphology and prognostic factors of the lesion.

II. Write Short notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. 30 Years male with recurrent history of cough and sneezing, without fever. Cough relieved after taking bronchodilators. What could be the cause and write about the pathogenesis and morphology.
2. 40 years obese female complaints of severe abdominal pain radiating to the right shoulder. Ultrasound was done and she was advised Cholecystectomy by the surgeon. What is your diagnosis and write in detail about the condition.
3. Diabetic microangiopathy.
4. Enumerate the Etiopathogenesis and morphological features of CROHN’s Disease.
5. Write about the pathomorphology of pepticulcer disease.
6. Describe about Wilson’s disease.
7. 25 Years female presented with midline swelling neck, FNAC showed a cystic malignant neoplasm and admitted for surgery. What is your diagnosis and write about the nuclear findings of the lesion.
8. 80 years male presented with history of dysuria and urgency of urine. USG shows enlarged prostate with increased PSA level. What are the morphological findings in this condition?
9. Describe about the classification and pathomorphology of Teratoma ovary.
10.Describe about pathophysiology and morphology of Ewing’s sarcoma.

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