Board Punjab School Education Board [PSEB]
Class & Term Class 8 & Term 2
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Subject English
Year 2021-2022
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PSEB Class 8th English Model Test Paper

Download Punjab School Education Board [PSEB], Class 8th English Term 2 Model Test Paper/ Sample Question Paper 2021-2022.

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Download PSEB Class 8th English Model Test Paper

Subject Model Question Paper
Class 8th Term 2 English Download

PSEB Class 8th English Model Questions

Section-A (Reading Skills):
1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (5 Marks) Daffodils, the trumpet-shaped flowers bloom during the spring. In fact, daffodils are the first sign of spring and they symbolise rebirth, new beginnings, and friendship. It is the flower of those born in March. Daffodils are native to the Mediterranean region but are cultivated all over the world. The flower is called Nargis in Hindi, perhaps because of its association with the egotistical Greek God Narcissus. It is believed that Narcissus fell in love with his own image in a pool of water.

He was so enamoured by his own image that he fell into the water and drowned. The flower, also called Narcissus, grew where he died. This led it to becoming a symbol of unrequited love. A gift of daffodil flowers is believed to ensure happiness. It is a common decoration flower during the Chinese New Year. Feng Shui experts believe that if a daffodil bulb blooms during the New Year, it will bring good luck to your home. Daffodil bulbs, because of their astringent properties, are pounded and made into a paste to be applied to wounds. Pharma companies use daffodil extracts to make drugs that are used to treat Alzheimer’s and Polio.

i. What do daffodils symbolise?
ii. Where are daffodils cultivated?
iii. Whom are daffodils associated with?
iv. How did Narcissus die?
v. Which diseases are being cured by daffodil extracts?

Section-B (My English Companion):
2. Answer any two questions.
i. What is the religious importance of Anandpur Sahib? (The Punjab- A Glimpse)
ii. Which puppy was chosen by the little boy and why? (Charge for Love)
iii. How did the police counsel Seema and Bhavya? (Safety while Driving)
iv. Which features of the Chinese cities impressed Marco Polo? (Marco Polo)

3. Write down the meanings of any two words in Punjabi/Hindi.
delight, mischief, defenders, luxury,

4. (a) Fill in the blanks with correct answer.
i. Marco Polo set out on his first voyage at the age of _____.
ii. Marco Polo was released from the prison in _____.

(b) Answer any one question based on poem.
i. What is the condition of the books? (We Who Love Books)
ii. Who are being referred to as ‘Defenders of borders’? (My Dear Soldiers)

5. Make sentences of any two words.
Melodious, Familiar, Set About, Confidence

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