Board Punjab School Education Board [PSEB]
Class & Term Class 5 & Term 2
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Subject English
Year 2021-2022
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Official Website

PSEB Class 5th English Model Test Paper

Download Punjab School Education Board [PSEB], Class 5th English Term 2 Model Test Paper/ Sample Question Paper 2021-2022.

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Download PSEB Class 5th English Model Test Paper

Subject Model Question Paper
Class 5th Term 2 English Download

PSEB Class 5th English Model Questions

Section – A:
1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Satguru Sri Ram Singh Ji, born and educated at Bhaini Sahib, Punjab, was not a silent spectator. He organized a group of his followers. He formed a party known as ‘SantKhalsa’. This sect later developed into the great historic ‘Kuka Movement’ of the Namdhari Sikhs. In 1872, the KukaSikhs attacked Malerkotla where Mr. Cowen was the British officer incharge of the town. After the attack on Malerkotla, sixty-six Kuka Sikhs surrendered themselves.

i Who organized a group of his followers?
ii When did Kuka Sikhs attack Malerkotla?
iii Who was the incharge of the town?
iv. Write the opposite

Section –C:
3. Answer the following questions (any four)
(i) What is an ATM card ?( The Bank – Our Need )
(ii) Which was not an ordinary year ?( A Glimpse from History)
(iii) How old was Sonia ? ( Safe Circle)
(iv) Who sacrificed their lives ?( A Glimpse from History)
(v) Why did the butterfly fly away ?( Safe circle)
(vi) What is a bank ? ( The Bank-Our Need)

4 Write the names of festivals. ( any six )
ii. ________________
iii. _________________
iv ________________
v. ______________
vi. __________________

5 Do as directed :
Choose the correct form of the verb
i. They will ……………………… a song. (sing/sings)

ii. Choose Nouns in the given sentence and write in the given space
There were many trees around the pond.

iii. Choose the correct Article
Tarun helped ……………. old lady and …………little boy. (a/an/the)

iv. Punctuate the following sentence and rewrite its
what are you doing neha

v. Fill in the blank with correct option
Yesterday I saw a ………………….. in the zoo. (dear/ deer)

vi. Write the Plural
tooth ………………… match …………………………

6. Make sentences for the given words
i. touch – ……………………………………
ii. freedom – …………………………………
iii. extra – ……………………………………
iv. money – …………………………………

7. Write five sentences on the topic ‘My Teacher’

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