Board Maharashtra  State Council of Educational Research and Training
Class Class 12th / HSC
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Stream Arts, Commerce and Science
Subject Computer Science (D9) Paper II
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Maharashtra HSC Computer Science II Question Bank

Maharashtra  State Council of Educational Research and Training, Pune Class 12th/HSC Computer Science II Question Bank With Answer Key March 2021

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Download HSC Computer Science II Question Bank

Class & Subjects Question Bank
Class XII Computer Science II

Maharashtra Class XII Computer Science II Sample Questions

1. The register which stores the result of arithmetic and logic operations is called as …………
i. Program counter
ii. Accumulator
iii. Stack pointer
iv. D. Temporary register

2. Program counter in 8085 Microprocessor ……….
i. Counts number of programs
ii. Counts number of times a subroutine is called
iii. Counts the number of times loop are executed
iv. Points to the address of the next instruction to be executed

3. In Intel 8085 Microprocessor, ALE signal made high to…….
i. Enable AD0-AD7 bus to be used as lower order a. address bus
ii. Enable AD0-AD7 bus to be used as data bus (D0-D7)
iii. To halt the processor
iv. D. To reset the microprocessor

4. ………. is a non Vectored interrupt in 8085.
i. RST 7.5
ii. RST 6.5
iii. INTR
iv. TRAP

5. ………….. is a lowest priority interrupt
i. RST 5.5
ii. RST 6.5
iii. TRAP
iv. INTR

6. ………. is the only non- maskable interrupt
ii. RST 5.5
iii. RST 7.5
iv. RST 6.5

7. ………….. is not valid register pair in 8085 microprocessor
i. B C pair
ii. H L pair
iii. Accumulator and flag register
iv. D E pair

8 Which of the following statement for INTEL 8085 is correct?
i. Program counter specifies the address of the last instruction executed
ii. Program counter specifies the number of instructions executed so far
iii. Program counter specifies the address of the next instruction to be executed
iv. Program counter specifies the address of instruction being executed

9. Which of the following data transfer is not possible in 8085 microprocessor?
i. Memory to Accumulator
ii. Accumulator to memory
iii. Accumulator to I/O device
iv. Memory to memory

10. If the status of S0 and S1 pin is low, the microprocessor performs the ……………….
i. Reset operation
ii. Halt operation
iii. Hold operation
iv. Interrupt acknowledge

11 In 8085 microprocessor, the stack works on the principle of……
i. First in first out( FIFO)
ii. Last in last out( LILO)
iii. Last in first out( LIFO)
iv. None

12 8085 requires …….Power supply
i. +5 V
ii. +15 V
iii. -5 V
iv. +10V

13. The 8085 microprocessor can address …….. bytes of memory
i. 1k
ii. 4k
iii. 128 k
iv. 64K

14 In an Intel 8085 microprocessor, why is READY signal is used?
i. To indicate that microprocessor is working and is ready for use
ii. To provide proper WAIT states when the microprocessor is communicating with a slow peripheral device.
iii. To slow down a fast peripheral device so as to communicate at the microprocessor’s device.
iv. None of the above.

15 ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit ) of 8085 microprocessor consists of………..
i. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits
ii. Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags
iii. Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits
iv. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags

16 INTEL 8085 microprocessor was introduced in ……
i. 1978
ii. 1976
iii. 1996
iv. 2003

17 The clock speed of 8085 microprocessor is …………
i. 2MHz
ii. 10MHz
iii. 3 MHz
iv. 100Mhz

18 There are …………..general purpose registers in 8085 processor
i. 3
ii. 7
iii. 10
iv. 6

19 ……..signal is used as the system clock for devices connected with the microprocessor.
i. X1,X2
iv. ALE

20 In a flag register of 8085…………….. number of bits are unused
i. 8
ii. 5
iii. 3
iv. 6

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