Service  Apply For Mutation Online
Department Odisha Revenue & Disaster Management Department [R&DM]
State Odisha
Service Mode Online
Official Website

R&DM Odisha Mutation

Mutation of property or land shows that a property has been transferred from one person to another, and it also assists authorities in fixing taxpayers’ responsibility. Although not a legal document, it will be crucial if you want to sell your property in future.

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How To Apply For Mutation Online In Odisha?

• Visit Odisha R&DM Website 
• Click on ‘Apply For Mutation‘ link
• Fill the ‘Online Application For Mutation’
• SAVE the form

About R&DM Department

Land is an important resource of livelihood of people and their shelter. Revenue administration touches all social groups and stakeholders and is concerned with their problems. Activities of the Revenue and Disaster Management Department (R&DM) are not merely confined to solving people’s problems relating to land; these also include providing land to the landless and protecting the Government land.

The Department shoulders the responsibility of providing immediate relief to the people affected by various calamities such as floods, droughts, cyclones, hailstorms, earthquakes, fire accidents, etc. It also takes initiatives for relief, rescue, rehabilitation and restoration work. In the matter of transfer of property, particularly the transfer of immovable property, the Registration Offices under the R&DM Department play a key role in serving people and contributing to the resources of the State.

Computerization of Revenue Offices, updation of land records, digitization of cadastral maps, inter-connectivity among revenue offices, under taking survey operations using modern technologies, distribution of Government waste land for agriculture/ homestead purposes, distribution of ceiling surplus land, prohibition of tribal land alienation, regularisation of pre-1980 forest villages and encroached human habitations in forest areas, acquisition of private land for public purposes, formulation of comprehensive rehabilitation and resettlement policies for displaced persons, administration of minor minerals of the State and conduct of decennial census are some of the important activities of R&DM Department.

Revenue administration is a three tier system; The Board of Revenue being the main player in controlling almost all matters starting from collection of revenue to disposal of revenue cases. The Board of Revenue is headed by a very senior member of the Indian Administrative Service. There are three Revenue Divisional Commissioners for Northern, Southern and Central Divisions with headquarters at Sambalpur, Berhampur and Cuttack respectively. Each division is responsible for administration of ten districts.

Collector is the Chief Officer in-charge of revenue administration besides being head of the criminal administration in the district. There are 30 districts and 58 sub-divisions in the State. Sub-Divisions are headed by Sub-Collectors and Sub-Divisional Magistrates. Each Sub-Division has been divided into Tahasils headed by Tahasildars and there are 317 Tahasils in the State. For the purpose of revenue administration at the grassroot level, each Tahasil has been divided into Revenue Circles headed by Revenue Inspectors.

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