Board Karnataka Department of State Educational Research and Training [DSERT/ SCERT]
Exam National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship [NMMS]
Subject Mental Ability Test [MAT] / [GMAT]
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Month & Year November 2019
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DSERT Karnataka NMMS MAT 2019 Question Paper

Download Karnataka Department of State Educational Research and Training [DSERT/ SCERT], Mental Ability Test [MAT] / [GMAT] November 2019 Question Paper

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Download DSERT Karnataka NMMS MAT 2019  Question Paper

Subject Question Paper
NMMS GMAT November 2019 Download

DSERT Karnataka NMMS MAT 2019 Questions

Complete the following number series by choosing the correct number from the given choices.
1. 2, 4, 7, 12, 21,  .
1) 38
2) 36
3) 35
4) 33

2. 3, 5, 9, 13, 21,  .
1) 32
2) 30
3) 29
4) 25

3. 4, 11, 30, 67, 128,  .
1) 192
2) 219
3) 256
4) 344

4. 6, 5, 10, 6, 14, ,  .
1) 18, 8
2) 7, 18
3) 10, 14
4) 14, 10

5. 122, 236, 3412, , 5630.
1) 4590
2) 3510
3) 3515
4) 4520

The order of the letters that need to come in the boxes to complete a certain pattern is:
6. a  d b  c d  a 
1) c, a, b, d
2) c, a, b, c
3) c, a, c, b
4) a, a, b, c

7. l  m  m n  n 
1) l, m, n, n
2) m, l, n, n
3) l, n, m, n
4) m, n, l, l

8. p q  r q r p   p q 
1) r, p, p, q
2) q, r, r, p
3) p, q, r, r
4) r, p, r, q

9. In the given series how many times prime number appears between two odd numbers?
2 3 7 5 9 1 3 7 4 8 3 6 2 5 3 9
1) 5
2) 6
3) 4
4) 3

10. In the given series how many times 3 appears behind an odd number?
3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3
1) 8
2) 6
3) 5
4) 9

Identify the wrong number in the given series.
11. 24, 39, 65, 91, 104.
1) 39
2) 24
3) 65
4) 104

12. 103, 104, 107, 109, 113.
1) 113
2) 109
3) 104
4) 107

13. 20, 30, 42, 54, 72.
1) 72
2) 20
3) 42
4) 54

14. 4, 5, 12, 33, 160.
1) 4
2) 5
3) 33
4) 160

15. 5, 11, 19, 30, 41.
1) 30
2) 19
3) 41
4) 11

Four groups of numbers / pair of numbers / group of letters are given for each question of which three of them are alike and one is different. Select the different one.
16. 1) 30
2) 130
3) 350
4) 738

17. 1) ZWR
2) TQL
3) NKG
4) SPK

18. 1) 8, 15, 19
2) 6, 8, 10
3) 5, 12, 13
4) 3, 4, 5

19. 1) BOAT
2) BUS
3) CAR
4) VAN

20. 1) RWC
2) BGN
3) PUA
4) SXD

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