Board Dakshin Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha [DBHPS]
Exam B.A. [II Year]
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DBHPS Madras B.A. [II Year] Question Papers

Download Dakshin Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha [DBHPS] Madras, B.A. [ II Year] Previous Year Model Question Papers

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“Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha” was established in the year 1918 by our beloved Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi with the sole aim of propagating Hindi in southern states. The first Pracharak was none other than Devadoss Gandhi son of Mahatma Gandhi.

“Hindi Prachar” was a movement that emerged as part of Freedom Movement and the leaders who led the nation to “FREE INDIA” felt the necessity of making a single Indian Language the National Language, and through that language unify the people and thereby intensify National Integration.

Download DBHPS B.A. [II Year] Question Papers

B.A. ( II Year) Paper I Model Question Paper Download
B.A. ( II Year) Paper II Model Question Paper Download
B.A. ( II Year) Paper III Model Question Paper Download
B.A. ( II Year) Paper IV Model Question Paper English, Hindi
B.A. ( II Year) Paper V Model Question Paper Political ScienceSociology
B.A. ( II Year) Paper VI Model Question Paper History

DBHPS B.A. [II Year] English Question Paper

English Prose and Poetry:
I . Answer any TWO of the following questions, choosing One from PROSE and One from POETRY Section: 

a. Describe the incident taken place in the temple on the – Janmashtami festival in your own words..
b. What are the necessary conditions from someone to be able to think freely?
c. Comment on the qualities of Anukul.

d. Write a critical appreciation of milton’s sonnet ‘on His Blindness’.
e. Explain sarojini Naidu’s Lyricism, diction and imagery.
f. What is the theme of the poem ‘on killing a Tree by Gieve Patel?

II. Answer any FIVE of the following questions choosing at least Two from PROSE and Two from POETRY section: 05×06=30

a. Describe the exchange of gifts between Bella and Jim & their reactions.
b. What is the single aim of the present day’s students according to the Stephen Leacock?
c. Why did the astrologer ask Guru Nayak never to travel South?
d. What does the author think about his packing abilities?

e. Who do you think is responsible for women being deprived of their rights?
f. What is the message of the poem ‘Once upon a Time’.
g. How did the tiger king attempt to cover his disgraceful defeat?
h. Why does the poet shed grateful tears?

III. Explain with reference to context, choosing THREE from PROSE and THREE from POETRY section: 06×05=30

a. Individual Liberty would have become social anarchy.
b. My sympathies were with the grasshopper and for some time I never saw an ant without putting my foot on it.
c. Those three words would choke me if tried to speak them.
d. This colour scheme never failed.
e. When George is hanged Harris will be the worst packer in this world.

f. ‘Chillon thy prison is a holy place
And thy sad floor an alter………………

g. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
or walk with kings nor lose the common touch.

h. So I learned many things, Son
I have learned to wear my faces like dresses.

i. We feel that means are more important than ends
we were coming to see you as friends.

j. My Mother only said…………………
Thank God the Scorpian picked on me and spared my Children.

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