Board Central Board of Secondary Education [CBSE]
Class 12th / XII
Download Sample Question Paper 2023-24
Subject Marathi
Document Type PDF
Official Website

CBSE Class XII Marathi Sample Question Paper

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Download CBSE Class XII Marathi Sample Question Paper

Class XII Marathi Sample Question Paper Download Here

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language predominantly spoken by the Marathi people in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is also spoken in the Indian states of Goa, Karnataka, and Telangana, as well as in the neighboring countries of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Marathi is a syllabic language, meaning that each syllable has a single vowel sound. It has a rich morphology, with many different ways to form words. Marathi is written using the Devanagari script, which is a phonetic script that is also used to write Hindi and Sanskrit.

There are two main dialects of Marathi: Standard Marathi and Konkani Marathi. Standard Marathi is the more common dialect and is spoken by the majority of Marathi speakers. Konkani Marathi is spoken by a minority of Marathi speakers and is closely related to the Konkani language. Marathi is a beautiful and expressive language. It is the language of Marathi culture and literature. Many Marathi songs, dances, and poems have been written in the Marathi language.

The word “Marathi” comes from the Sanskrit word “Maratha”, which means “hill people”. The Marathi people are thought to have originated in the Western Ghats mountains of Maharashtra. Marathi is facing some challenges. One challenge is the decline in the number of native speakers. Another challenge is the lack of standardization of the language. There are many different dialects of Marathi, and there is no one standard way to write the language. Despite these challenges, Marathi is a vibrant and living language. It is the language of the Marathi people, and it is an important part of Marathi culture.

Here are some interesting facts about Marathi:
• Marathi is the 11th most spoken language in the world.
• Marathi is the official language of the Indian state of Maharashtra.
• Marathi is closely related to the Hindi language.
• Marathi is a tonal language, meaning that the pitch of a syllable can change the meaning of the word.
• Marathi is written using the Devanagari script.
• Marathi is a beautiful and expressive language.

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