Scheme Women Scientists Scheme [WOS-B]
Department Department of Science & Technology [DST]
Eligibility Women Scientists
Application Mode Online
Official Website

Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-B)

Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) focuses on projects related to Science & Technology (S&T) interventions for societal benefit. Such project proposal should address a well-identified societal challenge and deliver possible solution(s) by way of development of viable technology/technique and/or lab-to-land technology transfer, its adaptation and scaling up. Women scientists who wish to apply under this scheme are required to develop their own project/proposals for scientific and technological solutions to address issues preferably at enhance quality-of-life the grassroots level.

Apply For DST Women Scientists Scheme [WOS-A] Online Here

The proposal must clearly bring out the societal benefit to be accrued through well conceived plan for development of technology/technique and/or adaptation/ customization. The candidate should have adequate S&T skills and be adept at techniques to deliver the proposed outcome. Projects which have the potential for sustainable income generation, lead to appreciable reduction in drudgery and enhancement of quality-of-life besides capacity building of women at the grassroots level are encouraged.

WOS-B Application Procedure

• Candidates who wish to apply in WOS-B need to register themselves at online portal with their active e-mail ID.
• An auto generated mail will be received by applicant with ID and link to create password.
• After login in WOS-B portal, candidates may submit full Project Proposal under WOS-B.
• The formats are available at home page of portal under ‘Formats’ for ready reference of candidates.
• The uploaded document file size should not exceed 2MB.
• Get your document ready before starting online submission for smooth and time bound manner.
• Before final submission you should preview and verify all details and make sure that everything is correct and in order.
• Document containing special characters/symbols may create problem in submission of proposal.
• Therefore, remove all types of special characters/symbols before final submission. e.g. single quote(‘),double quote(”),&,<,> etc.
• Once you submitted the full project proposal You will not be allowed to modify the contents.
• You need to click on “Final Submit” button for final submission of proposal.
• Your project will remain save with your login ID and it may be saved in system and also can be printed.
• You need to submit one hard copy of proposal to DST within 20 days of closing date of submission.

WOS-B Guidelines

• Project proposals should be in conformity with the scope of Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B).
• Minimum two years break in career after attaining highest qualification required from S&T qualified women in age group of 27-57 years.
• This being a very broad age range, no further extension in age range is available under any circumstances. Month and Year in which degree of highest qualification has been awarded would be considered for calculating the duration of break in career.
• Incomplete application or application not in the format prescribed under WOS-B will not be considered. It is necessary to tick on one of the theme area code as asked. Decision may be taken based on the major bias towards the theme area of the proposal.
• Applicant will apply as Principal Investigator. Mentor will not be an applicant.
• Applicant must have educational qualification in science and technology disciplines.
• Proposals without a mentor will not be considered.
• Proposals in which host and mentor institute are different will not be considered.
• Mentor should be in a regular position in the host institute. Mentor should not be associated with the host institute as a consultant or visiting faculty.
• Online submission of proposals through WOS Portal is mandatory. Proposal has to be submitted online by the last date of submission as given in the advertisement including extended period, if any.
• Proposal should be submitted only once in the WOS Portal. If proposal received in duplicate, same will not be not be considered.
• If asked in the advertisement, hard copy of online application has to be submitted surely. Hard copy of submitted online application has to reach the department within twenty days from the last date of online submission of proposals including extended period, if any.
• Proposals received only in hard copy form without online submission will not be considered.
• Applicant has to be within the age limit as on the closing date of application submission given in the advertisement including extended period, if any.
• WOS-B component does not provide funds for infrastructure and high-end equipment etc.
• Subject Expert Committee (SEC) will review progress of project.
• Host institution where the project will be implemented assumes administrative responsibilities of project.
• DST reserves the right to terminate the project at any stage if it is convinced that the appropriate progress is not being made in project.
• Project will become operative with effect from the date on which the first grant is received by the implementing institute. The Implementing Institute as well as Principal Investigator will intimate this date to the It will, in no case, later than one month after the receipt of the grant by the Institute.
• The institute shall submit to DST the necessary expenditure statement, Audited Statement of Accounts, Utilization Certificate in respect of the funds released in connection with the implementation of the project. The PI shall furnish annual progress report to DST indicating the achievements/progress as well as the problems faced if any.
• The funds will be released in the name of the implementing institute only.
• In case of arbitration, Secretary DST would be empowered to take suitable decision.

WOS-B Contact

Telephone: 011-26590344
Email: wosb[dash]dst[at]gov[dot]in

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